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Member Since:Aug 16, 2017
520 MS Points
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Mist visit place in karnataka
Reviewed Bijapur
Hi friends here is my review on Bijapur Karnataka , I visited here more than 10 times but its still educating or teacing me new things in my life , Bijapur isRead more...
Hospitality And Location is Good
Reviewed Holiday Inn - Andheri - Mumbai
HI Friend My Name is Akash, Below Is My Review on Holiday Inn, Andheri, Mumbai, Holiday Inn Which Located in Andheri Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, The LocalityRead more...
Taking Extra Charge For All Services
Reviewed Hotel Pooja Residency - Raviwar Peth - Satara
Hello Friends, My Name is Akash, Below is My Review on Hotel Pooja Residency Satar, I Recently Visited Hotel Pooja Residency for My Bussiness Meeting, I didnRead more...
Oldest great Travel agency
Reviewed Cox and Kings
Hi my name is akash Dear friends is cox and kings is an one of the oldest traveo agency in the world which fonded byrichard cix and kings , To transfer MilitRead more...
Plz don't watch this show
Reviewed Savdhaan India
Savdhan india is not an awareness serial show anymore , This type of shows are not there in india , Due to this type of show our today generation is affectingRead more...
Needed More like or this
Reviewed Bareilly Ki Barfi
After watching bareli ki barfi , I am really confused why khans are getting popularity day by day but not this actor , The both male actor ayushman khurana anRead more...
Not as expected
Reviewed Mubarakan
I watched this movie with my gf , I thought movies must be good tye cast was really too good , but the story is not up to the point , Aftet watching trailer IRead more...
Need more story like this
Reviewed Indu Sarkar
Aftet watching this I understand the real face of politics, The content of the movie mind blowing , The story writer should write more stories like this and cRead more...
Tase is good , Price is reasonable
Reviewed Square Pizza - Andheri East - Mumbai
Whenever I have order pizza veg ir nonveg I order from square pizza only , 5 months ago when we are working on sunday my frd told me that lets order pizza butRead more...
Value for money
Reviewed Keva Flavours Pvt Ltd (Kelkar)
I recently tasted one of product of keva , That the belaptra juice which was something liie creative , That tase of juice was really amazing , aftet this I stRead more...
Seating is not god
Reviewed TruJet
If you are regular traveller like me than you should feel the seating arrangement should be good in flight whenever we travelling , I was travelled in True jeRead more...
Not for Urgent
Reviewed Bangkok Airways
Recently few days ago I booked flight ti go to Phuket via bangkok through Bangkok air ways , My flight was in the night so gone to airport in the night aroundRead more...
Quality is Not good
Reviewed Bigbasket
I saw a ad on television of big basket that Sharukh khan promoting This app , And hr is saying that its provide quality product to you , I trusted sharuk khanRead more...
Charging High Prices
Reviewed Ajio
I recently come to know about the Ajio app , My friends told about this app , That in this app latest fashion is available , than decided too buy product fromRead more...
Not trusatbale
Reviewed Tata CLiQ
Iam sharing my recent experience with you about tatal cliq , First when I see tatacliq is an app which providing amazing deals with low prices I am fully surpRead more...
Ban from India
Reviewed Barkha Dutt
I dont know why indian govt allow some people yo stay in india , Like barkha dutt , She is ex reporter of NDTV , whenever she open her mouth only speak Read more...
Reviewed Kiku Sharda
When kiku sharda doing acting Haatim its marvellorls , and appreciate his acting skills for Hatim , But when I see him now , Iam fully unsatisfied now , I reaRead more...
Insult to music
Reviewed Dhinchak Pooja
Dinchal pooia she is insulting music from singing this type of songs , I letrally believe that singing is god , In dinchak pooja song , Not sin single sur or Read more...
Why Harry met sejal
Reviewed Jab Harry Met Sejal
Dear All My Name is Akash Below is review of Jab Hary Met Sejal According to mE, Jab Hary Met Sejlal Was Directed BY Imtiyaz Ali , Starring Anushka Sharma, Read more...
Only for affordable but not for panctual
Reviewed SpiceJet
If you want to travel in affordable price from point A to point B then spicejet is good option , But you are that person who his having money equal to time thRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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