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Member Since:Sep 19, 2009
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Rs.5 lakhs to Rs.19 lakhs in 6 months.
Reviewed Investing in Business Successfully
*Wealth Creating Opportunity( courtesy: www.adviews.in) You are not going to rely on some body. You manage your money and enjoy Profits / Benefits. InvestmeRead more...
Reviewed Investing in India
*Dear all DO YOUR TRADE IN YOUR ACCOUNT. YOUR MONEY IS GOING TO BE WITH YOU. NO NEED to rely on somebody. You can do it your own. 1000% No Loss. 100% GuaraRead more...
100 % safe money
Reviewed City Limouzines
Latest information : Today I saw in the news same channel that some 2000 people gathered in chennai and they decided to give complaint to the Police CommissiRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on vinod1997's review
Some details in the below link. http://www.mouthshut.com/review/Investing_in_Business_Successfully-175556-1. Give me some idea regarding this.
Commented on own review
It's a specific option strategy and a success formula to earn huge returns.
It.s all about option trading ( long series) in National Stock Exchange. No Gambling at all.
Commented on basujha's review
Yes. Now we are going to know something realy positive on 17 th Oct. Thank God.
Commented on Sham123608's review
Thank you sham. Visited www.citylimouzines.com. Yes it's there. OH! God Thank you very much.
Dear CEO, Please clarify in the above comment. Looking for a earliest reply sir. I will email also sir.
What do you mean ? I posted in the Heading Financial consultants and Investing in India. Kindly notice that. See some informations i read in your review does'nt suit my requirement. If it doesn.t suits me Just i will avoid that. Ok.
Commented on dellko7074's review
How company can give statement when the issue is in the court ? Again and again if the company is giving some reason in the court, automatically the court will postponed the dates. This is the normal court procedure Be Patient !!! Let's pray God for a positive thing.
Commented on udit.delhi's review
Today itself here in Chennai the news is flashing in SUN NEWS CHANNEL (tamil) that 2000 people gathered and they have decided to give complaint to the Poilice Commissioner.
ssganakaraj please see the details in http://www.mouthshut.com/review/Investing_in_India-175529-1.html
City Investor are you requesting me to share authentic info. Phone to SUN NEWS TAMIL CHANNEL and confirm this , 100 % true or not.
(Updated Sep 19, 2009)
Dear all , This is not an Advertisement. I saw the news in the TV about the problem in City Limouuzines. I just wondered how people are falling into wrong hands. The information below is just to create AWARENESS to the INVESTORS and there are lot of oppourtunities around each and everybody which g Read more...
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