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Member Since:Oct 22, 2003
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. 1) Guitar 2) Rock n Roll 3) Travel 4) Computers 5) Science Fiction 6) ''Wild'' Life
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Education: Masters
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The Best of Times...
Reviewed Five Best Songs of Styx
Hey people! Say hello as I am back in this forum after a long hiatus and believe me it feels good! and above all, nothing like reviewing an obscure topic forRead more...
Take care of your moolah
Reviewed Citibank
Unlike the West, Institutional Harassment is a reality in India. Ask me, I am a victim. And Ladies & gentlemen its none other than CITIBANK - CitiRead more...
Its the time to 'khisko'
Reviewed 80's - Versova - Mumbai
I suffer from this weird syndrome which I am sure must have victimised many. I call it weekendophilia and I call it weird because on the weekends Read more...
Best Debut Ever..
Reviewed Led Zeppelin I - Led Zeppelin
Like most of you my association with zep did not start with this album. I remember listening to immigrant song & KashmirRead more...
From a hippie's closet
Reviewed Twenty Best Rock Songs
Before you go through the entire review I would like to warn you that I will write it with an extreme bias towards 70s rock and would try my best toRead more...
Yo nigga .. wassup?
Reviewed Ten Best Hip-Hop Songs
Though I am very new to this form of music I could not resist sharing with you my point of view about hip-hop. I was introduced to hip-hop in goa at a famous Read more...
Yaaaaawn ......
Reviewed Kal Ho Naa Ho
I dont really feel like writing this review bcos by doing soI will be offending many and there is a chance of my head getting chopped too by die hard SRK fansRead more...
IMT aisi basti hai..
Reviewed Institute of Management Technology (IMT) - Ghaziabad
If you are wondering about the title thats been taken from the famous or rather infamous IMT Anthem. I wont be discussing the anthem as it can not be told butRead more...
Wine,Dine & Movie
Reviewed Movietime - Dahisar East - Mumbai
Before going to this place you need to plan your visit diligently coz movietime is much more than just movies. Its an ideal escapade for a saturday night if yRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on nitingupta00331's review
Commented on achilles76's review
but anyone whose favourites include stairway or hotel cal are true beginners in the field of rocknroll... :-) Everyone starts with them but learn to hate them as they explore deeper into the genre. Expand your horizons 'dudes'.
Commented on own review
I got you... I rated your park avenue review abysmally. That pissed you off.. Damn Ye.. Now cool down Brother.. We just evened it out. We are buddies now... Love ya.
for the analysis & valuable feedback. But that wont prevent me from hating this movie. Yes, maybe I am prejudiced against the actors and 'lighthearted contemporary entertainers'. Maybe I think Preity Zinta is nothing more than a glamour doll and because she cud atleast speak out her dialogs with s Read More...
Rated on Sunny.S's review
Commented on Sunny.S's review
is not for the masses. Ambiguity and abstractness are the salient features of this genre. Please do watch Mulholland Drive or Lost highway to truly appreciate this genre (If you have not already done so) Sorry for the poor rating but I simply love this movie and think its a real brave effort from Read More...
Commented on pri20's review
Philiosophy of Time Travel... Is the book real ? Nice revu..
Rated on pri20's review
Rated on Psychotropic's review
Commented on PulomaDas's review
I am obessed with horror flicks... though most of the time they dont make any sense to me ... and its not because I am a brave young boy but because 'morbid fear' turns me on... I like to get afraid of the dark & the unknown ... sort of a masochistic pleasure if you will... Nice suggestion... a Read More...
Rated on PulomaDas's review
Commented on srinnair's review
In the end friends does it really matter..?? Every institute has some screening parameters and so has IMT... but I found the allegations to be over exaggerated... I am an IMT passout and believe me I come from the most humble background... No one in my whole family tree has ever even been close to a Read More...
Audacious.. Controversial.. and honest.. I ll have agree with you.. STH .. I dont want that song in my life anymore.. My friends, roommates have given me a fairly heavy dose of that song sometimes 10 times a day.. cant take it anymore.. (though i must confess I was blown off first time I hrd it.. Read More...
Rated on achilles76's review
Rated on nikamma1112's review
Rated on great_guns's review
Rated on matwalaboy's review
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