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Member Since:Sep 18, 2016
160 MS Points
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Reviewed Hotstar F33-(ZP) 6 L Gas Water Geyser
It is a sort of useless heater I have seen this geyser in my brothers house, he always complaints about the working and capacity of this heater.It always takeRead more...
Good choice-!!!!!!
Reviewed Venus Water Heaters
This is a requirement for any House, all I would sugest is to buy the biggest one possible. 15 Liters is just not enough to take a bath. if you know what I meRead more...
U cant sleep on this mattress peacefully
Reviewed Springwel Mattresses Ltd
I am studying in iit Kanpur, I was eventually happened to buy this mattress for the bed in hostel, I feel its quiet hard and I cant sleep on this Read more...
Yo gud choice ,go to havels
Reviewed Havells Drip Cafe 12 Coffee Maker
This coffee maker is very good. I got a damaged product but returned it and got a replacement within 3 days. Plastic quality is Ok not so good . We need to haRead more...
Buy a better one
Reviewed Bhavani Kettle Drip Filter 3.0 9 Cups Coffee Maker
Let me tell you my experience with this kettle, I mom bought this from a dealer and she often face a problem with this thing , it never filters the coffee devRead more...
Choose a different one
Reviewed Bajaj Majesty Dry Iron DX2
Horrible Quality, it just gets overheated. already burnt two of my favourite tees. I would recommend to buy brands like philips or morphy richards rather thanRead more...
Choose another option
Reviewed Hitachi AC
I bought it this ac abd its been delivered damaged, when I complaint about it than Hitachi dealer said that there no problem in coolling whether its damaged aRead more...
Dont try this
Reviewed Maya SmartWatch
Received faulty product.with lines in display. Build quality is not up to the standard for this rate. Power backup is very less It will come 2 hours if are Read more...
Please understand me
Reviewed Medulla U8 For Android Phone Bluetooth Smartwatch
Battery backup is too low. it dont last for 3 hours even we are nor using it. and camera and message features is not working properly. Disgusting cheapRead more...
Try another one instad of this
Reviewed Odonil
I accept that the price was low , but the performance is not soo good.The fragrances effect is only for limited ranges.The intensity of fragrance is also too Read more...
Ignore this i mean purifier not review
Reviewed Eureka Forbes AquaSure Nano RO Water Purifier
1) it says 16 lt. water is purified to output 4 lt. pure water. and the process never ends even if you leave it on for 12 Hours.so there are 50% nights in theRead more...
Please read it
Reviewed Kent RO System
I have been using this product for last 5 years. It goes bad every other month. Their spares are of worst quality. Their support staff knows only one way of fRead more...
Dont never ever
Reviewed Kent RO Pearl Water Purifier
There is no point of buying this product if it cant be installed on time. I had got the product delievered in no time but the installation is a mystery. I didRead more...
Reviewed Logitech F310 Gamepad
Guys try not to buy this joystick or gamepad whatever it is.you cant enjoy the real gaming sense with this thing never ever buy this.There is not even aRead more...
Its outdated dont buy
Reviewed Sony Playstation 2
Sonys PSP was released at 2005 first.The games that ps2 supports are more in fact there are only some good games.Moreover the games are low graphic gameRead more...
Try to avoid it
Reviewed HCL Me Z 15
Stupid console for the gamers.May be it should be used by the kids below 4yrs.Theres no HD screen and the characters in the console look weird and broken.souRead more...
Go to adidas and axe
Reviewed Nivea Pure Impact Shower Gel
I bought this product with more money but I dont find satisfaction in this product.It initially smelled good but later on it is a dumb and I was bored oRead more...
Reviewed Pukhraj Aloe Vera Face Wash
Yo guys by the name itself you can come to a conclusion that it is a fake or something like useless. This aloevera face wash doesnt have a required amoRead more...
Better buy in Amazon
Reviewed Snapdeal
Its the worst internet shopping website.The products are not upto the date.some of the products spoil while shipping.The price of the product is more thRead more...
Why people dont buy tvs scooty teenz
Reviewed TVS Scooty TeenZ
This is truly a disgusting Scott.My mother bought this and she is not at all happy with this.The handling is very bad and sometimes the handle strucks in the Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
Sorry I dont have them now please ignore it
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