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Member Since:Dec 11, 2004
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Trust me u dont want to know. LIFE :D
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Education: Currently PURSUING prod engg
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Daily slice of nostalgia
Reviewed Yezdi Classic
One fine day I am looking on baazee for interesting stuff.. I find this Yezdi and before I know it I have bought it. I will skip all the drama in buying and Read more...
Its a Hobson's choice I guess.
Reviewed Airtel Mobile Operator
Well, first let me clarify thatI am not one of those know-it-all kind of people about cellphones and service providers and schemes and loopholes eRead more...
Dont think..go for it
Reviewed Bajaj Wind 125
Life is full of laws. You cant get a bike that gives a mileage of 100 and a power of a sportsbike. Ifyou can, then you have to pay fortune for tha technRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on sandeepmohan's review
Hey nice to read a review on the rare 350 twin.I have a yezdi too.. the model B. I have to congratulate you on having the time and patience to keep the bike running. However I do not think 2800 rpm peak is late by any means... its early if anything.how many bikes have a peak curve below 3000rpm? Read More...
Commented on aamit24's review
yezdi shud wat??? u sed 4 stroke right??? old design??? Wake up my friend.. the yezdi company doesnt need tips anymore.. its dead and gone a long time back.. they are considered vintages.. nice to read about the monarch anyway.. they are rare these days.. u still got the bike around??
Commented on own review
For the people who doubt the famous claims that the wind125 matches Yamaha-rx performances.. i just did some drag tests after setting the clutch a bit.. from 0 - 60, she can beat the pulsar150, all 125cc ones, and match the rx100 and the unicorn. pulsar 180 and rx135s needs good riders to beat the w Read More...
am i so good or am i so bad??? no comments on the revu at all????
Commented on punitsumbre's review
Man u really took time out for all that pulsar bashing. As it is the damned pulsars have become too common. The last 150cc with such a good engine was the original Fiero(mind u the ones now are different)... I would like to add here that suzuki is planning a launch of a 150cc... as in suzuki by i Read More...
Commented on enticer_man's review
I hate to discourage some substantioal effort but the fact remains that the revu sux. Mr.Enticer, bikes are not fashion models where u just need a good image and style. In fact ur attitude is pretty much like ur name-sake bike.. the enticer.. looks like a cruiser but is a measly 125cc... i cant beli Read More...
Commented on naturelover76's review
Hey good work compliling all that data in a single review. I cant believe u dnt have any comments. these are the things people should be reading about bikes... mebbe we cud get deeper.. like cornering and wet riding ya know... we really need some documents on those.
Commented on rahulbhiwadi1's review
hey i pretty much agree with ur list except the street.It was a complete bike albeit with a moped like design... and it ran well. But its one of those niche products.. no hot-cake like selling expected.nice revu anyway
Rated on dhruv_tara's review
Followed dhruv_tara
Followed punitsumbre
Commented on agnyeya's review
Hey teher, I read ur review and comparing it to mine, i agree to two things, the brakes and the kick,,, i get a first kick start everyday too. As for other things i think ur bike is in a better condition, and i salute u for that.. not everyone respect their bikes nowadays.. just abuse it to show o Read More...
Rated on agnyeya's review
Have i misse dsomething or does mouthshut not have the option of uploading the pics anymore?
hey guys.. about ten thousand kms after that review... i stick to wat i said... awesome bike.. but the rear suspension springs are all crap.. and there are different ones on different bikes.. but still the best bike in its class... its not selling anymore .. so u missed it if u did.. and i still sa Read More...
Rated on mariner2's review
hmmm..thats an interesting update ACHYUTA. though it is out of my understanding how discontinuing the indian sales will boost exports. in fact they have all the infrastructure in place...so they dont have to 'concentrate' on anything as such.anyways i appreciate the feedback....and as for the discov Read More...
Rated on thisworldsucks's review
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