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By: karanrocksful | Posted: Feb 11, 2013 | Tutorial | 107753 Views (Updated Apr 17, 2013)

hey everyone,

In this post I am gonna show you people how to download YouTube videos in just a matter of second.

According to me, to download youtube videos is not something illegal or something that should not be done because it is us You-tubers, who do the hard work of producing videos and then uploading it on YouTube, so that people could watch, share and download it for their personal and educational needs.

Don't get me wrong, what I am talking here is under fair use. I do "how to" and tutorial videos on my youtube channel and I seriously would love if people love my video and would be interested in downloading and sharing it with their family members and offline. It will seriously help me grow my fan following and is indirectly benefiting me only. So you see this is called fair use. So now with that been agreed between you and me so lets see how you can download YouTube videos in just a very simple way.

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: watch any youtube video which you wanna download on your pc.

Step 3: Now as you watch the video, just type in "ss" in the url of the video after "https://"

Step 4: e.g.

Step 5: and press enter and you will be directed to

Step 6: Now choose your video type from a bunch of option which says ".flv" or ".mp4" or ".3GP" etc

Step 7: After choosing your option click download

This will download the YouTube video an your pc. You can also watch the tutorial video on my YouTube channel.

Here is the link to watch this video:

Well beside this trick, If you want to download longer size videos like from YouTube, vimeo, dailymotion or from any other video sharing website all over the Internet then here is the best YouTube downloader

Hope you like it and enjoy. Fair use please!

How to download YouTube videos in mp3 format

The above "ss" trick was cool but the only problem with that trick is that, It only allows you to download a limited video size file which is 2OO MB. So, If you want to download files larger than 200 MB then you need to take help of software's like DAP etc. If you visit the above link you will definitely come to know how to use DAP.

Many people questioned me about how can we Convert & download YouTube videos in mp3 format and I was stumbling upon and found a very cool site that allows you to directly download any YouTube videos in mp3 format and what is even more exciting about this website is that, If you got a video file on your local hard drive and If you want to convert that in mp3 format, this website allows you to do that as well. The website is called and here is the Tutorial video

Tags :
How, to, download, youtube, videos
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