hey everybody,
In this post I am gonna share how you guys can create your own website by installing WordPress directly on your local machine and guess what guys, after you install WordPress on your own system which is generally installed on your local host you don't need any internet connection and you can start customizing and working with your wordpress theme offline and you can create as many post, as many pages and almost everything which you can do live on your wordpress
So, How actually can you work with wordpress offline? & how can you install it on your own local machine?
The answer to this question is by installing WAMP on your desktop. Now, what is WAMP? Wamp is a software available online
for free which lets you install wordpress on your own computer by providing all the necessary files and setups including my
MySQL databases, Apache, PHP, XDebug, PhpMyadmin, SQLBuddy, webGrind 1.0 which wordpress needs in order for it to get installed.
Steps to follow in order to Install WAMP and start creating wordpress website locally
Step1: First you need to download WAMP software on your PC, for this visit
>> wampserver.com/en/#download-wrapper
If you have 32 bit operating system, then download
>> (WAMP SERVER 32 bits & PHP 5.3) 2.2E
If you have 64 bit operating system, then download
>> (WAMP SERVER 64 bits & PHP 5.3) 2.2E
In this case, I am gonna download (WAMP SERVER 64 bits & PHP 5.3) 2.2E since I am a 64 bit windows user.
Now, if you have finished downloading, it's time to install.
Just run the installer you downloaded, It's gonna prompt you to fill "SMTP" which by default is "localhost". I recommend not to change it because this is where
our wordpress setup files are gonna be installed.
Congratulations now you have installed WAMP on your localhost. So, now it's time to visit wordpress.org and download the latest wordpress setup.
After finishing downloading of wordpress stup files from wordpress.org. We now need to upload those files in your WAMP localhost directory which is
Mycomputer >> LocalDisk(C:) >> wamp >> www
Guys, Unzil the Wordpress folder and then make sure to upload all those files directly on www folder, by following the above specified path
Now go and type "localhost" on your web browser, you should get this screen as shown below and just click on Wordpress, see the arrow I have pointed in the
step7: Now as you will press on wordpress as pointed by me, you will get the following screen. It will ask you to create a configuration file.
Actually this the real step, where you choose a username and password for your wordpress dashboard.
Now , as you press on create a configuration file, you gonna get the following screen.
Click on let's go and fill in all the details, which wordpress is asking you.
step10: After filling in your database name, user name, password etc, you would have successfully installed wordpress on your own system and we are
now good to create our own website right from scratch.
I recommend everyone to visit >> https://createawebsite4free.com in order to learn everything from scratch.
Tags :
create, a, website, How, to, wordpress, by, installing, wamp, install