Most of us we frustated after completion our degree either diploma and others course, but their is a opportunity my friend we have lots of patient means we can ahieve success upto infinite level wheather the person know or not. I should speak all of you little story that we search our jobs and finally we feel there is no job without reference so it means if you belong to poor family means you are not preferable for job? what nonsense is this? I should tell you that its all depend on you but take patience and proof yourself that company rejected us beacuse that was not preferable to me. we can earn moeny lots of time wheather we use youtube or we go in market. most of us spend time to learn whatsapp for chatting but what happen if we use it that for communication and sell something what happen if any kind of property we can sell either we can work in cheap place as our skills but skill we need nothing but in your own self how do u behave others enough to say. I go to gym and asking for property selling I go towards property consultant I fixed deal and I got more than of lakh of rupees. I creak fake account of girl and add upto 5000 friends there and whenever I post any video and share that facebook I got great number of views I earn money every month upto 20 thousands. not only this my friend I just say to all that we can convernt time is equals to money thorugh a company if u recieve such a huge amount then handover this work to some another one and pay to them money as mothly and you can get lakhs of rupees per month I Started it and I would like to inspire others also if u have patience only so my all Indian brothers and Sisters just get up through of your fear you are not servant you are great doer and proov yourself as you can earn to all. Thank you to all my sisters and brothers of India.