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By: AyeshsaMarysha | Posted: Nov 01, 2016 | General | 209 Views

Today lets talk about this how can we get girl friend? it is easy to say everyone but harded to perform dont you think so? you are person who is busy all the time to impress at least one girl behind you who is born to care you. I should inform you that can happen if you deside a little prank through which you can impress any girl within in a short of moment. so all want to know what was that trick or prank what was that?

lets take a break my friend just simple first you have to confirm yourself that whatever boys think girls think the same so just we should have to move with little bit courage. just go towards as stranger and ask for any girl to tracking the way if she really gives you good response it means she is really interested towards you its so easy to perform just try it and tell me is it work? I tried it lots of time I got good response all the time.

another think if you want to impress just do the mistake like idiot e.g. if you fall in down by mistake and definately alone girl will ask you what happen and you can give a reason that because I am fool.

another think if you go towards any girl and say I love you if she rejected and says that its prank see the camera here she wont get worry about this nonsense think or if she accepted means you got a lucky chance to get a girl for date.

and last and impressive all the thought is that simple to say wow look like beautiful how many you have boy friends? definitely she will impress by of you psycological thought.

thank you all I am love guru if want to share any experiences so comment me because I love all girls.

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