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By: AyeshsaMarysha | Posted: Nov 01, 2016 | General | 275 Views

I would like to share all of you my friends that I have only 2 sim so maximum I can use only 2 different whatsapp id in one smartphone but what happen if I will tell you that you can use hunderends of number in one whatsapp id. Yes my friend it is possible how? today lets talk about this.

first I created a fake facebook account I opened it that as fake girl account which is having a good picture like beautiful picture as you can think about it is real account. after that I add few friends there after few hours I received automatically friendship request and I accepted all of that as well as I accepted friendship request it never stop increasing by friends circle so finally in 3 days I got 5000 friends there and facebook stop to accepted more 1500 still pending,enough to say. a time came when my girl friends rude with me I was trying to persuade but she blocked my 2 whatsapp id. and I descided that I should have to ask me for reason to blocked me. I went to my fake account and ask to someone help me for new whatsapp id. because of girl profile everyone wants to talk and help any girl and then first I received forgien number and I changed the number whenever he send me the code of whatsapp and I am ready to use it that number but when if you save at once means you wont ask that code again once you receive in your whatsapp then you can change n number of time without asking to owner's so finally not only this now I am using more than hundreds of number in one phone and nobody claims me that who I am? do u have fear with me?

I Can call or msg to anyone or if you are bother with can call back that number is using to some another person who is having no relation with me or call to anyone without knowing to reveal yourself that you are Anonymous, A hacker which can change your whole life within a short of moment. dont be afraid by it just think how you can be as hacker.

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