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Member Since:Jan 08, 2002
0 MS Points
I was born and live in the UK but have roots in Africa and India, with a mother born in Kenya and Father from Goa. I enjoy computing and the internet and the many benefits it brings, in particular the way is helps keep my family in touch even though they live all around the world. I studied Business but have worked at an IT Consultant for several years now, but hope one day to persue a future helping organising Asian events in the London area. I love to travel and have been all around the West coast of the USA, Canada, Kenya, India, France and Italy.
About Me
Education: BA Business Degree
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FIAT Punto Sporting
Reviewed Fiat Punto Sporting
Having owned the original-shape Punto 1.1S for four years and a new-shape Punto Sporting since April, I can say the Punto is still a great car to own and drivRead more...
Kenya - The Good - The Bad & The Ugly
Reviewed Kenya - General
A number of my family comes from and still live in Kenya. So Ive been there a few times most recently spending 6 weeks there. If youve never been Read more...
Torino Weekend
Reviewed Torino
I went to Torino as part of a cheap flight deal with Ryan Air from the UK. I went with a friend for the weekend and have to say it was a very nice place to viRead more...
Reviewed Domino's Pizza - Jail Road - Janakpuri - Delhi NCR
Dont know what this companys product is like in other countries but in the UK I think their pizza is pretty poor. Tried Dominos Pizza on NewRead more...
Sony J7 - comparing to J5
Reviewed Sony CMD J70
I recently had a chance to test both a Sony J7 (essentially the same the J70) and the J5. I thought Id write a few words on these two phones since I reRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on saurabhvs's review
Commented on Cousin2's review
I used to work for Coca-Cola's Head Office in the UK. Employees have the stuff on tap in unlimited amounts, drink as much as you like along with tea, coffee, soup and all other drinks being free. Coke is also the 2nd most recognised word int he world after 'OK'. It is said that there is nothin Read More...
Commented on atulrg's review
I've been using Partition Magic since version 3 and now I'm using version 7. Let me say that I only ever change partitions in DOS for maximum safety. And thus use the 2 boot disks. It's a great piece of software, but I wish it would install on a single LS-120 disk by default if you have one installe Read More...
Commented on heynownow's review
WinAmp is good but be aware of some 3rd party plugin's which can interact and end up crashing WinAmp and also I've found that adding WinAmp 3 Beta to a machine that already has WinAmp 2.XX installed can cause 2.XX to crash very easily. All these were noticed when running windows 2000 so may be diffe Read More...
Commented on ashford's review
Ashford's review echos my opinion of Nandos as well on the whole, EXCEPT they have almost become too popular and don't seem to do much to tackle the problems that go with that. We have almost stopped going to nandos now because it is impossible to get seated during normal eating hours and on the Read More...
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