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Member Since:Jan 13, 2011
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Sedan with a silky touch
Reviewed Fiat Linea
First of all let me tell you that all these views are what I have experienced while driving linea and my comparison is truely based on my judgement and not inRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on abdullah1982's review
i don't know why people are comparing diesel figo with petrol I20,,,, try CRDI i20, i have sportz version wuushhhhh figo will have to fit 2 engines to reach near i 20....
Commented on dayavan99's review
Oh come on man if you have nothing to say just pass by the page.. don't listen to persons like YZ 12 he was fighting when someone commented about honda city... he was defending Honda... Linea is indeed a good vehicle superior road grip and can you say which diesel car has better pickup than Linea??? Read More...
Commented on vaddy's review
Don't go for SX4 it is unstable at speed above 90KM/Hr + Rusting is also a issue...Go for LINEA
Commented on sarvsri's review
I am using Linea Emotion for abt a year and Half now , first time i am hearing such a problem from the user.. Quiet strange to hear that the dielsel tank is leaking and the road is flooded??? i think there is some exaggeration in that... The service has been normal and good as far as am concerned... Read More...
Commented on ab1811's review
Dear ab1811, please sell of this car and buy a Linea, the car is bumpy and has very terrible shocks, vento and Linea has smoother Suspension, the best car stuff is just a propaganda to get customers, the best car in the segment is to be decided by the customer who own the car, maybe it's Vento or Ci Read More...
Commented on mkrpillai's review
@yz 12 why do you get angry when anyboby complains about Honda City, you were sharing the pain of all the owners who own other cars especially Linea, why now you are not sharing the pain of this owner who own a city and has problems??? you are so funny !!! are you a salesman of Honda or What?????
Commented on sunnysrivastava's review
@ sShank yo are telling about the plastic quality of Lineas what abt City? more pathetic when compared with Linea, and what abt body of City you can bend with your little fingure.... City is good for city driving only when you reach a speed of around 100k/hr you will feel the jerk and unstability... Read More...
Commented on RaaJJ's review
@yz 12 why are u getting agitated when people make negative review about honda City, i saw u commenting and making all sorts of negative things in all other car reviews? especially Linea.. so cut the crap and make some useful suggestions to the review maker if you don’t have any suggestion why can’t Read More...
Commented on VickyJudge's review
Hey Vicky judge I suppose you are still inside the warranty period, if so why waste time on writing mails go to consumer forum with all the documents vis; booking details, service records, Bills etc and file a complaint, actually we are sleeping over our rights in these type of cases by writing and Read More...
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Surya Pandian (@suryapandianMouthShut Verified Member)
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Prasanna Dommu (@POBox5843MouthShut Verified Member)
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Ishant Rajput (@ishantrazz85MouthShut Verified Member)
Akashaditya Lama (@akashadityalamaMouthShut Verified Member)
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