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Member Since:Mar 16, 2011
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Stein Beck's brilliance
Reviewed Of Mice And Men - John Steinbeck
This book stands out for me as one of the best novellas of all time. The story is simple and easy to read yet it touches on topics so deep and so meaninRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on gvc007's review
I liked the film, but it was a long.
Rated on gvc007's review
Rated on debabrata4747's review
Rated on behaveurself's review
Commented on jodihayes's review
A very good review. I just feel less upbeat about a film that puts a violent character like Suger in a position of invinciblity. The film leaves you feeling that the law is defunct and that suburbia is infiltrated with the very worst types of people, who can wreak their havoc at a whim.
Rated on jodihayes's review
Commented on giridharbg's review
An excellent review but I did not like this film at all. I love Christian Bale and Heath Ledger as actors, but I wish I had not seen this film. I think it killed Heath Ledger having to go to such a dark place.
Rated on giridharbg's review
It is an excellent movie.
Commented on chaplins's review
I loved this movie. It was unique and it was groundbreaking. I hope the makers do a second one with Christopher returning.
Rated on chaplins's review
Commented on chulbuli13's review
You are right about the mumbling of the actors. I had to watch it a second time with subtitles. It made me feel deaf like an old man [which I am not]
Rated on chulbuli13's review
Commented on shyguy935's review
A good review but you got me there with the impregnation bit. Some word order errors but excellent content.
A very good review.
Rated on shyguy935's review
Commented on pvijay09's review
This is a very good review.
Rated on pvijay09's review
Commented on hermit's review
It definitely is a book that you want to read more than once because it is so complex just like India is complex, and it is so subtle just like India is subtle. I love Adela's disgrace as she loses her dignity and rushes from the cave into the cactuses. She completely loses her reserve and has a kin Read More...
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