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New Delhi
Member Since:Mar 14, 2005
0 MS Points
. travelling : travelled the south of india from wayanad to munnar to bijapur to ajanta ellora to hampi to goa to mussorie to shimla to haridwar to rishikesh to mumbai to chennai.....where next???. reading : amitav ghosh to charles dickens..not much into poetry though music : GnR,dire straits, alanis morissette n lucky ali
About Me
Education: BA(hons)
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Rewind, fast forward and pause!!
Reviewed The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night Time - Mark Haddon
“He was asking too many questions and he was asking them too quickly. They were stacking up in my head like loaves in the bread factory where uncle TerrRead more...
When insanity is the best policy!!
Reviewed Catcher in the Rye, The - Salinger
The world was celebrating a legend called John Lennon. Channels were telecasting documentaries, newspapers had dedicated generous spaces for him and his fans Read more...
The Misunderstood Genius
Reviewed Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, The - Sue Townsend
The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole aged 13 ¾. Adrian Mole- one of the funniest characters I have ever encountered, in fiction and real life. Adrian Mole isRead more...
To wallow in unfiltered experience
Reviewed Into the Wild - Jon Krakauer
In the year 1992, Christopher Mccandless, a young man from a well to do family, graduates from Emory University in Atlanta, donates his savings to charity andRead more...
Ladies Coupe
Reviewed Ladies Coupe - Anita Nair
Ladies Coupe is a compartment in a train that is reserved exclusively for women. This compartment is safe, quiet and preferred by women who are either traveliRead more...
Oscar- refining our senses!
Reviewed Picture of Dorian Gray, The - Oscar Wilde
We all have heard of art for arts sake. However not many of us understand the meaning of it. If you read The Picture of Dorian GrayRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on Jertoons's review
That was one of the best reviews I read on this book. Also, I appreciate the time you took to leave those comments on my review...which will help me write better next time Cheers! Shalini
Rated on Jertoons's review
Commented on jaideepkhanduja's review
It seems you had fun!! good job..where art thou going next? Damn...I am jealous!
Rated on jaideepkhanduja's review
Commented on own review
Thank you Jaideep and all! Will keep writing! Cheers!
The reason I rated your review Not Useful is because it is really not useful. Whatever you told us about Jolie, looks like bits of facts collected from the web. I admire Jolie and loved her in Gia and Girl interrupted. Your review gave me nothing new. had you focused your review on Jolie as a Read More...
that was news to me, someone who is soooo technologically challenged.
Followed jaideepkhanduja
Satyajit Ray..a regional hero... or a legend??? Honestly, i dont think we can categorise Ray...he carved his own place in the world of literature... keeps those reviews flowing in..cheers
Good job...!! Now that's what calla very useful review... Cheers shalini
Rated on amathad's review
Commented on amathad's review
Hi, Gosh has been one of fav writers. I had this book as a student of literature and that's how i was introduced to Gosh. I have read many review and that too by some of the famous critics. You did a great job. Your review echoes a lot of what i have already read but I like the style and ur t Read More...
Rated on lonelydionysus's review
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