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Member Since:Mar 05, 2016
19 MS Points
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Avdhoot Baba Shivanand promises to make us psychi
Reviewed Shivyog
Babaji Shivanand has promised at his present shivir in Kenya March 2016 to make everyone a psychic! After we have started writing about how gurus work with teRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on anarushsihsa's review
his wife is called Saddna. His past and life details, including his name, are hidden. you are so right, you donot know how right you are.
Rated on anarushsihsa's review
Commented on anil188's review
well done, Anil188. Your observations are correct.
Rated on anil188's review
Rated on gazona's review
Commented on tilani2nil's review
Actually, bishnu911, we have practised meditation and we are masters, this is why we judge other masters.
Followed tilani2nil , bhavz , veetpatelmd , vishnupatel1 , karnsamani
Rated on vishnupatel1's review
Commented on karnsamani's review
another one bites the dust!!!! thank you for sharing.
Rated on karnsamani's review
Commented on himanshu111706's review
There is no Shakti that is rising...these babas are psychics, who use hypnotism and telepathy to connect to our minds, and this is how they control our bodies...THERE IS NO SHAKTI KUNDALINI RISING...I am sorry I am shattering your illusions.
Commented on bhavz's review
his shivirs and matchmaking services are open only to rich Hindus...we must wake up and stop falling victims of these dangerous traditions that have allowed psychics to proclaim themselves as saints and exploit people. India deserves better.
HIs company, Shiv Yog, has created a dating platform, which is open only to rich Hindus...This is not very inclusive or spiritual...BEWARE of these psychics, they are not saints...
Rated on bhavz's review
Commented on veetpatelmd's review
Babaji's success lies in the fact that he has made his fortune and business by using his family life as a model for an ideal lifestyle, compared to other gurus, who remain unmarried and then assault sexually their sadhaks. Please donot fall for this...
Rated on veetpatelmd's review
Babaji is a psychic. He uses telepathy and hypnotism to connect to people and spy on their lives after shivirs. Unfortunately, I have too many tales to share with people, but all in good time...Please watch his Episode 1 Kenya 2013 on Youtube, where he admits that Shree Vidya is about telepathy amon Read More...
Has anyone got affected by telepathy by Babaji so far? a way to know is when, after a shivir, you feel foreign thoughts in your head, which are not your normal thoughts...
Gurus are psychics, not enlightened saints/siddhas...through telepathy they connect to people's minds and lead them where they want to. Please refer to Babaji's Episode 1 video clip from Kenya 2013, where he admits through other myths and false promises that Shree Vidya is TELEPATHY. Please watch th Read More...
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