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Member Since:Oct 26, 2005
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Dare not try ICICI Money Saver Home Loan product
Reviewed ICICI Bank
Following is a mail that I was forced to write to the Head of customer service of ICICI bank which should say all to you guys.... ___________________________Read more...
Safari...shall I? Shouldn't I?
Reviewed Tata Safari DiCOR
Folks, Since last 2 years I was in Cyprus. Recently I came back to India - Pune. When in Cyprus, I was dying to be back in India and was bubbling to be straiRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on msprabhakar's review
Do you know if they have increased the price too? I checked out the latest price on the site but dunno what it was before.
Found it! Thanks. In a weeks time I will be India and straight away I will shoot to test drive Optra, Baleno and Safari. Will keep you posted. thanks
What a shame...even offical product brochure downloaded just now from MUL's site also does not talk about any of these changes you mentioned. Shame!
Thanks MSP... You seem to be having a knack for getting some adrenalin pumping. Very exiting comments indeed. I am all charged up to have a dekko at this babe. Surprisingly I never knew about the 185 and the MP3 player thing. I had a lot of looks inside the Indiacar site and they still post t Read More...
Life for me just got a bit more difficult. I had zeroed down on a Chevy baby Optra 1.6 base. Your review is like specially done for me. You too liked the Optra and wanted one...and then you decided on the Baleno. Actually I never gave Baleno a serious thouht. In my zeroing down process, New City and Read More...
Rated on msprabhakar's review
Commented on ninadnaik's review
Ninad, How about the Road grip and ground clearance? Haven't heard many good comments on that side...
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