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Member Since:Nov 18, 2005
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Brilliant in performance
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Baleno
The baleno is possibly the most under-rated car in the C segment. It does give a very good performance...it has good aluminum 1.6 litre engine which gives 94Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on shedbal's review
Even i had this problem recently. the car used to skid/slip ahead when braked in immergency. when enquired, the prob was bcoz of the tyres loosing the threadings.now i have put the broad 185/70 tubeless tyres instead of 165/80. they r simply too good. this has reduced the braking distance too,... n Read More...
Commented on sudeepjain's review
i m not so against the Honda, but i feel the City Exi, Gxi are just over priced compared to the competition.Vtec does provide good engine n a world class technology. but the City Zx 1.5 isn't worth the money. All the averages n great mileage figures ppl tell u are when the cars are driven at 70km n Read More...
well my friend if u missed on some details, the honda city sold in india doesn't have the side beams in the doors,..that leaves with no protection on side impacts. also u r not that confident when r u takin high speed turns around 100km/hr (compared to lancer or baleno) , i drove the new vtec,must s Read More...
Rated on sudeepjain's review
hi, don't u think the new city is smaller than the older one, n its sideways look is ODD, and that it does really return 16km/lt avg ?...my friends city only gives 11 in city traffic n 14.5 on highways...morever its not got high speed, hows that
Commented on own review
hi Road grip is good, not an issue if u r on straights ,and can take turns easily at high speeds, quite steady. But now new 14 inch wheels will solve the prob of the ground clearance. but then its a general prob wit all sedans wit low GC. infact the narrow tyres r smartly adapted to give better mil Read More...
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