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Member Since:Sep 11, 2016
60 MS Points
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Really nothing alike anything..
Reviewed Micromax Canvas Xpress 2 E313
The first day I saw it on flipkart, registered for a handset. More then a year of use I am writing this, all over performance is nice display is good, handy Read more...
Asus means Awesome..
Reviewed Asus K555LB-DM109T Laptop
Asus is just Awesome. I have used Dell and HP but Asus is just above at all. In a laptop what we need all is in it. Guys I am sharing this review after usiRead more...
Dont worry about roads, you have passion pro....
Reviewed Hero Passion Pro TR
Two years of using I am writing this review and can say very confidently if you wanna buy a bike in this range Go for it. Cool design, good average, awesome Read more...
Just like old things in a new packing
Reviewed Apple iPhone 7 Plus 256GB
Wow, guys great news iphone 7+is in the market. But but but before you wanna open your box named iphone just let me inform you that you will get no surprisesRead more...
Wanna know what fear is?????
Reviewed The Conjuring 2
One of the most horrors movies. But before writing something about this movie let me inform you that the first part is much horror then second. You could feeRead more...
Nice women empowerment...
Reviewed Akira
How a girl survive, how people around a girl in college, in sociaty thinks and behave. A movie which shows a way to live a girl in sociaty and fight for her Read more...
One of nicest gadgets fulfill your requirements..
Reviewed Motorola Moto G
The priority of users is different, so buying this mobile you get a really nice display, battery backup and good sound enhancement. You you are a video or gaRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on raosweta65's review
Yeah it's not good product because of chemical is inside only.. You should go for herbal like patanjali...
Commented on bijender98765's review
Adjust brightness and performances like themes and other apps, if have any sure you will have good battery backup...
Rated on bijender98765's review
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Reviews: 8