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Member Since:Nov 28, 2004
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Samsung does not care to upgrade OS in India
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy S2
I have two Samsung mobiles- Samsung Omnia Pro B7610(Windows 6.1 OS) Samsung Galaxy SII(Gingerbread 2.3.3 OS) Omnia Pro was purchased about a year ago and sRead more...
Pleasure in every ride!!
Reviewed Hyundai i20
I purchased the fully loaded, Asta O, 1.2 lt version of this car in May 09 after conducting thorough research and test drives. I previousely owned a Hyundai GRead more...
Getz me going......actually!
Reviewed Hyundai Getz
I bought this car if Feb05 after a long wait since I wrote my first review on Palio 1.2 in Nov 04. As per my long drawn assessment and the choices available tRead more...
Must have car!
Reviewed Palio - Petrol
I have been actively scouting for a compact car for over a month....after going through various research and review sites, am finally convinced that fuel effiRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on vishnuram747's review
Commented on vishnuram747's review
To begin, take all the famous independant reviews/ shootouts (meant magazine reviews) with a pinch of salt....at the end of the day, everybody wants to make money duhh :-( Folks, I own a i20 for more than 2.5 years, so know a little bit what Hyundai sold to me. Bottom of all the niceties an Read More...
Rated on watchman's review
Commented on watchman's review
A golden rule in the medical world as a patient is never rely on one opinion. Any major disgnosis and medical procedure must be verified by at least 3 independant specialists. In a classical case, my father was saved from two instances of medical procedures/operation from a gall stone operation a Read More...
Commented on MANOJKANNUR's review
All types of data cards 2G or 3G use shared bandwidth of a particular transmission tower near you. If there are more users, you simply get a smaller share of bandwidth and inversely if you live in a remote location with less population, your bandwidth jumps. No twireless elecom company offers a fi Read More...
Rated on 781969's review
Commented on jayanta.poddar's review
Samsung Customer service suck big time....they thing their products are like disposable diapers...they really dont care and think Indians are a bunch of fools. I wrote to their customer service head- Mr Rajiv Ganju (rajiv.ganju@samsung.com) but he did not care to effectively address my problems. He Read More...
Commented on atman1's review
Hi, The current version available is only Gingerbread 2.3.3. You will notice that Samsung released the latest Android 2.3.5 globally through Samsung Kies They are not releasing the new version of Gingerbread 2.3.5 to Indian customers....why? Is it because of our skin colour or Read More...
Commented on arundhati97's review
Samsung has a pathetic customer support/sales support record in India. First I suffered after buying their top of the line Split Biosleep A/c and now faced with a dilema after buying their two top of the line mobile phones....they dont care after they dumped their products into our hands...Samsung s Read More...
Rated on arundhati97's review
Commented on bestproductuser's review
As I mentioned in another post on O General, I am struggling to sort out a Foul odour complaint with high tremperature variation problem with Samsung for my 1.5 ton Biosleep AC since 3 months. Nothing has happened till today.
Commented on dhirenthaker's review
I was about to buy O General and had instructed their person for pre installation inspection. Now, I am changing my mind about installing this product. For your Information, I am still struggling to sort out a Foul smell & high temperature variation complaint with my 1.5 Ton Samsung Biosle Read More...
Rated on dhirenthaker's review
Commented on own review
By the way, my car was a 1.2 lit Asta O, an older version and hence better chances of a discount today compared to the newly launched 1.4 lit version
Hi, Yes, it is surprising that these guys do not negotiate since the launch a year ago. One reason may be that they do not suspect a close competitor for the price/VFM and second, that there may be a short supply as this model is exported to Europe. You may also check up with A1 Hyundai at An Read More...
Following para carries my comments to your remark and trust will be resourceful
Commented on anilporwal's review
Hi, Congrats on purchase of i20! I am on the verge of booking i20 Asta O version in a days time. Before zeroing in for this car, i evaluated (test driven) Fiesta, Fusion, Honda City, Linea & Fabia. My final choices were City (for the styling), Fiesta 1.6 (for suspension & power) & i 20 (price point Read More...
Commented on sndaya's review
Thanks to all of you for comments on the review of sndaya... I personnally feel that we are yet to have a very thorough evaluation of Swift. Yes...it is a great car for the price it is being sold!!! It has a strong VFM platform than an niche... I actually own a Getz GL.....i have been happy ow Read More...
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Dr Maan Physiocare (@drmaanphysiocareMouthShut Verified Member)
Nisheeth Tak (@nisheethtakMouthShut Verified Member)
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ShaDaB Mobile Center (@akhtarniaxi99MouthShut Verified Member)
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aayanshsharma795 (@aayanshsharma795MouthShut Verified Member)
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Nolan (@NolanIscoMouthShut Verified Member)