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Jai Maharashtra
Member Since:Jul 06, 2006
0 MS Points
I believe: <b>''Kabhi kissi ko mukkamil jahan naahi milata Kabhi Zammi toh..Kabhi Aasma naahi milta''</b>. <b>Sports:</b> Cricket, Tennis, Football and most of the sports. <b>Reading:</b> Fiction. Lately I have started reading non-fiction <b>Automobiles:</b> from 1 wheel to n-wheels all interest me. <b>Music:</b>Its divine, its a fantastic destressing and mood aliviating medium My Fav Phrase: <b>“With regards to the cost cutting policy, the light at the end of the tunnel has been switched off!”</b>
About Me
Education: dhai akshar prem ka jaante hai
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Everyone is Innocent here!
Reviewed Shawshank Redemption
I know this movie was released ages ago but I recently got a chance to see it. Its one helluva movie. For me a great movie is that you remember a long time afRead more...
Top-10 adv Print/TV media in last 30 years
Reviewed Ten Best Commercials of 2005
I have compiled a list of Top 10 advertisements in Print/TV media that have appeared in the last 2/3 decades. I am sure you will recall/identify with these. IRead more...
Fanaa - DEJA VU
Reviewed Fanaa
Yashraj Chopra somehow manages to include Punjabi folk song in his movies. Take any Yashraj movie at random (Daag-1973, Deewar-1975, Kabhi Kabhi-1976, SilsilaRead more...
TOI - Habits die hard
Reviewed The Times Of India
Largest Daily in India. Radio Mirchi, Best FM channel in India, Zoom - unbeatable TV channel. Anything that TOI touches turns to Gold. Ofcourse these are ads Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on dipesh.majumdar's review
Commented on cool2's review
Hi, Good review as you could compare it with Innova, though you own a Innova you did a fair job and were not partial to either of the vehicles. From the review it seems that Mahindra Xylo has got some basics right. But the real thing is the performance on road when driven by drivers with diffe Read More...
Commented on thebiggeststar's review
Smoking ... Its an informed choice. Only thing that i support is ...Smoking should be banned from Public Places. Keep writing
Rated on jatins_s's review
Commented on jatins_s's review
Hi, Outrageous! Thats the word that comes to my mind. I think you need to put all these details (along with names, address and contact number of the dealers put the dates and time taken, the approx distance you had to travel) in an email and send it to SKODA parent company let them know how their Read More...
Rated on esujithk's review
Commented on esujithk's review
Review does not help the reader to decide on a choice if he or she is in the same situation while buying this product
Rated on saswat.com's review
Commented on nitica_82's review
Hi, Chitrapat ka vimochan bahot accha hai. Ise padhne ke baad, koi bhi ise dekhana chahega. Aapke lekhan shaili aachi hai. Paatkatha is chitrapat ki sabse baadi khasiyat hai. Tim Robbins aur Morgan Freeman ka abhinay vakai mein lajavaab hai - Sunil
Rated on nitica_82's review
Rated on smart62535's review
Commented on caretaker's review
Hi, The lines of these songs sum it up 'Mein Zindagi ka saath nibhaataa chalaa gayaa, har fikraa ko dhuyein mein udaata chalaa gayaa Keep writing Sunil
Commented on itikasharma's review
Mahodaya Patrakarika Aapne bahot badhiya vishay chuuna hai. Aacha likhati hai. Dhoop ka chasma kharidte samay dhyan rakhane lakay muddoon paar gaur pharmaya hai. Saahi nirikshan kiya hai Dhoop ke chasmo ka upyog bharat jaise desh mein bahot upyogi hai. Intazaar rahega aapke Read More...
Rated on itikasharma's review
Commented on itikasharma's article
Hi itika Congrats. Your persistence has paid-off. Wishing you the very best. I am sure you will enrich MS with the experiences in your chosen field Keep writing
Mouthshut's moved...
Rated on Anindo_Sen's review
Commented on Anindo_Sen's review
Hi, Excellent review. You have covered the movie beutifully and reading this anyone would be tempted to see the movie. Full marks to Paul Verhoeven for making this such a tense erotic thriller. The movie feels like a streched cord of the bow and one waits for the arrow to be released. Th Read More...
Hi Itika, Lovely review. You have panned the movie beutifully. Dimple is one of my fav.actress. One of the few actresses blessed with such great tresses of hair. Your review has made me eager to see the movie. Its true that the Indian women are conditioned to behave in this manner Read More...
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