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Member Since:Oct 15, 2003
0 MS Points
I am a film critic (online) and a painter, rolled into one. My passion in life is to paint portraits of filmstars. Reading Writing Playing cricket Television (switiching it off) Reading koshish's reviews
About Me
Education: B.Com
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What a cigarette
Reviewed Classic Milds
Cigarette smoking is injurious to health. I am listing the health hazards to smoking. Heart problems, Cancer, Tuberculosis, Low sperm count/Impotency, Etc EtRead more...
Worst five
Reviewed Five Worst Reviewers on MouthShut
I had suggested to MouthShut (through their MouthPad feature) to include the topic “Five Worst Reviewers on MouthShut”. Friends, yesterday I had Read more...
What are these guys doing at the top?
Reviewed Five Worst Actors of Bollywood Movies
These guys, about whom I am going to write about are the biggest contemporary stars, commanding a huge fan following and a burgeoning pay packet. However, accRead more...
Bom .. Bom .. Bombay!
Reviewed Mumbai
Although the archipelago which developed into the modern city of Bombay was inhabited whenever history chanced on it, we are forced to imagine the lives of thRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on jasmine's article
Kya hua DARRLINNG??????????? Shaadi-vaadi fix ho gayee kya? New read review page gaya tel lene, I am happy u r going. U gave me too many warnings on the behest of ...... Ab vo kya karega?
Amongst my last few diaries
Followed astrofreak1234 , hermit
Rated on keatsmadeline's review
Commented on own review
a_gopida, that's my point exactly. Jab marna tujhe bhia hai aur marna mujhe bhi, so why pontificate?
Very good Rohit. Too good man. Genius. Aapka jawaab nahin hai.
Why crib? I'll die, you won't even know. So shut up. It's my life and it will be my death
Rated on abhichatz's review
Cringing will not prove my previous comments otherwise. A bad writer is a bad writer. I thought people cared for honest opinions. I am called a socio-path, attention-seeker and what not, and when I call some of the popular members bad I am called all these names. Complain about me to MS for all I ca Read More...
Commented on dwingramki's review
and u guys thought i was a cynic. i recognize a good thing when i see it.
Rated on dwingramki's review
It looks like MS is blessed with losers. Guys and girls, have the guts to accept criticism.
Rated on mouthshutdotcom's review
Commented on mouthshutdotcom's review
Your review is as terrible as the movie. And yes, do I see Koshish in the comments section. ram banaye jodi. - Amit
Followed premjit , rjois , amjad_maruf , Cousin2
Rated on amjad_maruf's review
That you'll come to know only after reading my review on the top 5 actors. Hint: Their names begin with: S, N, O, A, P and their surnames end with the letters R, H, I, R, and L respectively.
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