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Member Since:Feb 28, 2005
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Education: Masters
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Our we GenX or @ MERCY of ''BIG-BULLY-HUTCH-DEL''
Reviewed Vodafone Mobile Operator
This is an excerpt from one of the largest customer base of Delhis IT-Happening Professionals (ACROSS THE GLOBE) who rocked the HUTCH Delhi-CUSTOMER CARRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Followed bhautikjoshi
Commented on bhautikjoshi's review
Read 'Hutchland' AND ITS COMMENTS......I think all your doubts will be CLEARED and understood... 'HUTCH' ka kuchh nahi ho sakta....
Rated on bhautikjoshi's review
Commented on mariner2's review
For one their First Initials match for sure...? The H Factor...? Are they Sister Concerns? or Country Cousins... There's a lot of similarity in their attitudes....? Informative Revu, though.... Cheers!
Rated on mariner2's review
Commented on Hutchland's review
Excellent Revu, Kinny Naveen, after a long-haul.... As for d comments that u rec'd on ur first Revu, don't mind them, we have a large population of his/her kinds at HUTCH already... And ' NetSavvy' To your Title: Query 'What is this?'... My Answer: 'This is That, and That is Possible...!' B Read More...
Commented on ajaykrverma's review
FALSE LEGAL HEAD; FALSE VP - CUSTOMER CARE; FALSE MANAGER RETENTION; FALSEHOOD is a NORM @ HUTCH - NATION-WIDE. No, No, my friend, don't WRITE on HUTCH, Their LEGAL HEAD WILL THREATEN YOU WITH DIRE CONSEQUENCES.. because, thats what He's paid For??? He's had the audacity to comment upon his Read More...
Rated on ajaykrverma's review
Commented on ameyajoshi's review
I would suggest good old BSNL. AirTel don't know - no comments, But HUTCH-ORANGE - NEVER-Don't even think about it in ur wildest Nightmares. They are the WORST in Telecom Industry. Wish u luck Vibhu
Followed umang.sh
Commented on Shona2005's review
Hey Umang, Way to go man...thanks for this Great feedback on Shona2005, though i think the poor girls' perhaps trying her best to revive that lost - charisma- her dada (SANJOY) as he states-in every oration-he did a lot of things at GUJARAT-& hutch CSAT improved...wonder what he did, yahan ek pa Read More...
CUSTOMER Says to HUTCHCARE: Main Suraj Mukhi tu Chandra Mukhi, Main tujhse dukhi tu Mujhse Dukhi... Ek kaam kar, chhat pe ja, Chhalang laga, Tu bhi Sukhi Main bhi Sukhi... HUTCHCARE Replies to CUSTOMER: Yeh mut Sochna ki hum Bhool Jayenge Tumhe, Door Rahkar bhi Chahenge Tumhe, Dost bankar Raas Read More...
Rated on CageTelecom's review
Commented on iamzdnet's review
Hi pal, Its natural for the Chinks to do this. No offence to anyone, but, History has it all there... The Chinks are here to invade into not only our privacy but also to empty our coffers... Its time Gen X Wakes up to the call...(Our Bureaucracy...Is busy filling its own ... Pity...our Think Read More...
Commented on simpletun's review
You must be having a supersonic connection from HUTCH...really, as you are just the opposite of a 100 (OF) us customers that we are WHINING...with these.. PUGS....for the last 50Days... Why dont you send this comment to their Sansjoy... He'll probably, Garland you and call for a Public Conferenc Read More...
Commented on saurabha's review
Thanks for reading and encouraging, maybe customers can help each other by writing...on this, 'coz 'empathy from Cellular providers of repute like HUTCH' seems a far of DREAM... Read this and please suggest this person too, he/she seems to be in real pain... HUTCH-DEL Complaint # 9375354 dated 09J Read More...
Commented on SansJoyHutch's review
Well friend, I think you've hit the nail bang on their HEAD (ANTENNA) ... and now, I guess, we all will have to Suffer for HUTCH (MIS) Connections...and pay for it dearly...:-( But never mind, revolutions have their own price. Can I suggest If you have access to International Media, please go Read More...
Followed SansJoyHutch
Followed CageTelecom
Rated on azrainindia's review
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ajaymittal151 (@ajaymittal151MouthShut Verified Member)
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Ishant Rajput (@ishantrazz85MouthShut Verified Member)
Pokkisha Posha (@pokkishabMouthShut Verified Member)
Shamil013 (@Shamil013MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 12
Birbull Official (@BirbullMouthShut Verified Member)