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Member Since:Dec 15, 2006
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Just your average Joe! ;-) and a jack of all trades!. Travel, movies, music and reading.
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Education: BE
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Santro ECO LPG - Worst LPG kit ever!! 10km/Ltr
Reviewed Hyundai Santro Xing eRLX
2nd June 2009 My reccession car!!! Bought the Santro ECO a month back (my second Santro and my third car! Wonder what in hell possed me to by an Santro agaiRead more...
Strapped for cashola?? Get a TCL!
Reviewed TCL T-2136 ABS
Perfect combination of quality and affordability – this is how most consumers know TCL teles as. This decent piece of electronics came about due to a MoU betwRead more...
Lil' ol' pony from the Honda stable.
Reviewed Honda Activa
Honda sure knows how to sell a two-wheeler (or a car for that matter!). This pony (notice I don’t call it a stallion!) from Hondas stable is (or was, raRead more...
Add.. K&N airfilter and go vroom!!
Reviewed Tips on Modifications and Enhancement in Cars
Notice the extra "oooo" in my vroom? Well that’s exactly how your car goes after fitting this piece of American import! If you ask me, fitting a K&N air intakRead more...
Please come in and buy our mobile... fool!!
Reviewed The Mobile Store - Chennai
Got a SE W710 from Mobile Store Velacherry recently! and I have to confess, with embarrassment, that I felt like a foolish fly rushing into a spiders trap almRead more...
No sunshine anymore! :-(
Reviewed Hyundai Santro
This is a young car owner from Chennai, South India, who is just not satisfied by the way his car performs. I own a 2006 Santro XL that has done 3500KMs (an iRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
Update April 2010: MORE problems! The car has run 9000kms now, and I hardly get anything more than 11km/ltr or LPG.. (even more erking is the fact that the LPG prices have gone waaay up!). btw, if I puch the car above 80 kms on the highway the mileage goes down to 8km/ltr :) ON THE FRIGGIN HIGHWAY! Read More...
Commented on dgd9's review
Am sure this is good review, once dgd9 edits it out.. Tip: Do a Ctrl+A and then hit the Del key on your keyboard! There! all edited, problem fixed! :D lol just kidding!
Commented on ruvvy's review
Bought a ECO last month, and what an unpleseant surprise!! the LPG mileage is 8km/ltr in the city!! I seriously doubt the ECO has any decent RnD done on its kit before it was released. Proabably just wanted an LPG model to compete against its nemesis the WagonR. the 27K extra on the price tag makes Read More...
Rated on ruvvy's review
Guess you are right!! But I guess the most important muscle in my body (I meant my brain!!.. not the other one, you dirty fellow! :-)) wasnt functioning all that well! :-)
Rated on amateurabe's review
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