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Member Since:Oct 19, 2002
0 MS Points
You know what is really funny? This guy: cestlavie786, put ME on his distrusted list, just because I put him on MINE! What a loser! He was embaressed that someone didnt LIKE him, so he put me on his distrusted list! Dont trust HIM. He is the one who makes FUN of american resturants. Sail Boating
About Me
Education: 12th grade
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Pepsi is by far the best
Reviewed Pepsi
I think pepsi is the best and it will always be. It doesnt taste old like Coke always does, and it actually taste halfway decent even if it is a little bit waRead more...
A perfect lenz
Reviewed Johnson & Johnson Acuvue Lens
I love my contacts! When I first found out I had to get contacts, I was pretty pissed off. I didnt want anyone to know, because I was embarrsed that I did noRead more...
Love it!
Reviewed Johnson & Johnson Baby Oil
Johnson and Johnson is a pretty good company anyway. I mean look at all the products that they have. But what people DONT know is that the products might say Read more...
Reviewed Subway - Vile Parle West - Mumbai
Subway is by far the nastiest food place in the entire world. There bread SUCKS and sometimes it is really soggy and tastes like CRAP. Their meat isnt the freRead more...
I love arbys
Reviewed Arby's
Okay, I know lots of people hate arbys, but I LOVE IT! They are kind of expensive compared to like McDonalds, but they are VERY good. They have value meals Read more...
I got a new car!!!!!
Reviewed Toyota Celica
I am sure you all have read my review about My Toyota camry, and the other one about my Toyota Spyder....well I got in a major car wreck (NOT my fault!!) and Read more...
Good...But not my favorite
Reviewed Neutrogena Deep Clean Facial Cleanser
If you have really dry skin..this is not the product for you. Also, if your skin is senstive....and breaks out easily....nope. I used this product maybe 4-8 tRead more...
I love taco bell...YUM
Reviewed Taco Bell - Koramangala - Bangalore
I have a confession...I LOVE TACO BELLS MEXICAN PIZZAS!!! Omg...although taco bell has a bad rep- some of their food is to die for. I love mexicaRead more...
I love this place
Reviewed KFC - Sector 12 - Faridabad
How many people DONT like home cooked meals? I happen to love the mac and cheese and the warm buttery biscits and the little oreo cakes. I mean cmon guRead more...
Love!!!! Love!!!Love!!!
Reviewed Clearasil Complete Face Wash
This is the best product for skin on the market. (You should buy 2 or 3 of the products before using although) First use the daily cleanserRead more...
Reviewed McDonald's - Kharghar - Navi Mumbai
I love Mc Donalds! You will see that either people love mcdonalds or they hate it. I think that mcdonalds is really awesome. The first reason is it is cheapRead more...
Reviewed Ricky Martin - Ricky Martin
OK..,...OK....I will admit... sometimes I like to listen to Ricky Martian. He has some awesome songs that just wanna make you get up and dance. shRead more...
Reviewed On the 6 - Jennifer Lopez
This cd is mainly for girls, but guys do listen to it. I love this cd. JLO is such a great artist. she words very hard for all the music that she makes and wRead more...
Reviewed 8701 - USHER
I LOVE USHER! If you do not know his name..you probobly know his songs. You got it, you got it bad...when your on the phone, hang up and you calRead more...
Beautiful cd
Reviewed Pieces Of You - Jewel
Jewel is probobly the best girl artist out there. She is totally real. Her songs have meaning and her music speaks right to your heart. Please doRead more...
Laughing out loud
Reviewed Meet The Parents
This is an awesome movie. I saw it a while ago, so my review might be a little rusty. Anyway, this movie is about a guy and a girl who wanna get married. TheyRead more...
Reviewed Best of Me - Bryan Adams
OMG!!!!!!! I LOVE Bryan Adams sooooooooo much! I have like all his albums, and at my wedding, I either want to play heaven or the onRead more...
Reviewed St. Ives Apricot Scrub
I am sooooo addictied to this stuff! It has the little special scrubbing bubbles in it, and they are sooooo cool! I put this on a washcloth and scrub away. IRead more...
I love shakespear and romance
Reviewed Much Ado About Nothing - William Shakespeare
I LOVE SHAKESPEAR! An analysis of the play :: The main plot in Much Ado About Nothing is the same as the story of Ariodante and Ginevra in Ariosto;(If you Read more...
Reviewed Nokia 5510
I am sooooo in love with this phone !! I have had this for for a few months now, and I wouldnt want a different one. Mine seems to last forever (the battery)Read more...
About So called M-Express Delivery
Reviewed Myntra
I am writing to express my deep disappointment with your so-called "M-Express Delivery" service. I placed an order with the expectation that the express delivRead more...
Commented on cestlavie786's review
maybe you should swim to india then. Nag nag nag i thought you were american
How can you be american if you arent from AMERICA? You might be a citizen, but not much else. I am not going to your country, saying how much i HATE your food
Commented on tersa106's review
I agree! Dr. Pepper IS the best soft drink in the WORLD
Commented on pankhuri_chopra's review
I am sorry, this is the boringest book that i have ever read. Anyone who hates reading will hate this book. It is all about the stupid war and i dont think it is amusing, unless you consider your self and dog..or a pig for that matter. anyway it is made so that orwell can strut around and show his p Read More...
Commented on Kelamandasmom's review
that was an awesome review! i just might have to go get some chicken because that sounds sooooo good! Keep up the good work!! yea!
Commented on own review
Good job Jo ::pats back:: i am proud! you are getting good at this yeah!!
Commented on smartgirl's review
I love your review! it was awesome! great job! keep it up!
haha no (@adachicMouthShut Verified Member)
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Sathish Sk (@sathishk1992MouthShut Verified Member)
JaswantB415 (@JaswantB415MouthShut Verified Member)
Arkay (@RxonlineMouthShut Verified Member)
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Hari Prasad (@rachahariprasad144MouthShut Verified Member)
D J (@djugranMouthShut Verified Member)
Pushpanjali Banerji (@AstroJudgeMouthShut Verified Member)
Arun Talukdar (@aruntalukdarMouthShut Verified Member)
Abhishek Bedi (@abhishekuihtm15MouthShut Verified Member)
aju chacko (@ajuvchackoMouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 6