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Member Since:Jan 25, 2016
503 MS Points
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Best app for connecting
Reviewed WhatsApp
Since I brought my first smartphone I am using this app to chat with with my friends and relatives, it cost nothing but normal data charging. it is very reliRead more...
Out of storage
Reviewed Motorola Moto E
Motorola is making some good phone now but this phone was the biggest mistake of the moto. I was hoping this phone to be good, but it ruins my expectations cRead more...
It makes me ghayal again
Reviewed Ghayal Once Again
The bollywood is making some nonsense movies right now and this movie another example of that . I wasted my money watching this movie. I went with my friendsRead more...
Dirtiest city at rank 70
Reviewed Patna
As we all know bihar is some how insecure place for tourists . Even this is the capital of bihar but this is full of the dirt. Some days ago indian governmentRead more...
Boring movie
Reviewed Fitoor
After watching trailer of this movie I thought it will be good but it destroyed my expectations completely. it is fully boring. no sense movie. I went to cinRead more...
Dell is best laptop
Reviewed Dell Inspiron 15 5547
I trust the Dell laptop . I really love this. As they are best in laptops. I purchased this laptop from the general shop.  It. Comes with windows 10 preinstalRead more...
Lovely pink city
Reviewed Jaipur
I have visited many times this city. This is the very best city of india. it is known as pink city. this is very neat and clean city. the hawamahal is just aRead more...
Worst phone by htc
Reviewed HTC Desire X
I have purchased htc desire x from a shop. but this mobile so dumb. it hangs so much . You can not multitask opertaion on this mobile if you do so then it stRead more...
Don't shop on this
Reviewed Shopclues
This is the very fake website that I have seen in my life. They think that indian are fools. every product you buy this from this site that will fake copy ofRead more...
Best shopping site
Reviewed Flipkart
In India this is the best and trusted online site for shopping online. 3 months ago I purchased a wrangler jeans from the flipkart . I managed to easily findRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on kumarabhinay00150's review
Well written review . It will help many people around here.
Commented on vorugantisai's review
awesome review , it might help me analyse it
Rated on vorugantisai's review
Commented on foreverrahul009's review
good review about the phone , need some improvements
Rated on foreverrahul009's review
Commented on ShubhamGupta819's review
very good mobile by microsoft it feels good to used
Rated on ShubhamGupta819's review
Commented on lovishrathor's review
nice series by samsung , its good phone to buy
Rated on lovishrathor's review
Commented on maheshsingh33ms's review
awesome way to write review . keep it up
Rated on maheshsingh33ms's review
Commented on joshiapoorv980's review
very good review bro , it gonna help me
Rated on joshiapoorv980's review
Commented on Rupshree1008's review
there are bunch of lions its awesome to see them live
Rated on Rupshree1008's review
Commented on mayurjain1008's review
very good review about the park , i wanna go there
Rated on mayurjain1008's review
Commented on SATHISHP007's review
awesome review about the mobile , good skill of write
Rated on SATHISHP007's review
Commented on gahmed272's review
moto is best in android phone and its worth to price
Raja Appana (@rajaappanaMouthShut Verified Member)
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Shyam Edislaes (@shyam9869MouthShut Verified Member)
Shaik Gaffar (@SheikGaffarMouthShut Verified Member)
Arunpvth Econed (@arunpvthMouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 1
Padmanabh Eetoar (@desai054MouthShut Verified Member)
Sr Rao (@raviraokiranMouthShut Verified Member)
Prachi Enis (@prachigupta26MouthShut Verified Member)
Ecde Rirast (@spretswellMouthShut Verified Member)
Anando Das Gupta (@captainandy14MouthShut Verified Member)
Paritosh Pande (@paritoshpandeMouthShut Verified Member)
Parameswara Rao Adari (@paramesh2cMouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 99
Rhys Mascarenhas (@rizuboyMouthShut Verified Member)
Shruti Uren (@shrut301MouthShut Verified Member)
Jaya Desai (@jayadesaiMouthShut Verified Member)
R Veerana (@anand7979MouthShut Verified Member)
chiller12 (@chiller12MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 3
Nainsa Shakya (@vaibhav98765MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 18
Sathish Kumar P (@SATHISHP007MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 47
swetha gowda (@swethagowda101MouthShut Verified Member)
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Asha Poona (@ashajaspercolinMouthShut Verified Member)
Pankaj Jadhav (@pankajjadhav495MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 8
Siddu Ramalakshmi (@ramalakshmisiddu7MouthShut Verified Member)
Aaditya Sain (@SimplilearnMouthShut Verified Member)
Sunil Narayan Chitte (@sunilchitteMouthShut Verified Member)
Oommen715 (@Oommen715MouthShut Verified Member)
Akash Gupta (@gakash240MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 45
Khairul Mallick (@KhairulMMouthShut Verified Member)
Manoj Shah (@manojsshahMouthShut Verified Member)
Sathish Sk (@sathishk1992MouthShut Verified Member)
Mazhar Nawaz (@maaz_nawazMouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 191
LifeCell International Pvt Ltd (@LifeCell_CSMouthShut Verified Member)
Rajesh Puri (@EduPristine_CareMouthShut Verified Member)
JAK WATSON (@jakwatson205MouthShut Verified Member)
Pranchal Thakur (@pranchaldigital005MouthShut Verified Member)
Mahi Tonger (@mahitonger4MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 2
D J (@djugranMouthShut Verified Member)
Moin Ali (@mnzeee21MouthShut Verified Member)
Sara (@sarruu0332MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 22