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Uttar Pradesh
Member Since:Jan 30, 2016
732 MS Points
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Education: B.A.
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Dead in tombstone was a not good movie of zombies
Reviewed Dead in Tombstone
Dead in tombstone was not good movie in this movie the friends are killed her friend for the money  and rule the city and all wrong things are done in the citRead more...
It was not good printer
Reviewed Ricoh SP111SU Multifunction Printer
The RICOH was made a printer it was a SP 111SU and it was a jam free printer but in this printer gives a two year warranty on the site but it was not providinRead more...
Murder2 was not good movie
Reviewed Murder 2
Murder2 was not a good movie because in this movie tells about the difficulty girls become a call girl but it was not true for all and this tells about to manRead more...
Elaan has a bad story
Reviewed Elaan
Elaan was not good movie because in this  movie was based all movie about a criminal Baba and some Indian people went behind for the chasing them and by this Read more...
It was a best OS
Reviewed Windows 10
Windows 10 was best operating system in this OS both type are available tablet or pc both and in this OS all the apps are available in the store and in this ORead more...
Snapdeal was not provided good facility to us
Reviewed Snapdeal
Snapdeal was not good for us because recently I ordered a mobile phone xolo black 1x and when the problems are rising in this mobile phone then I contact to sRead more...
Xiamoi Mi 4i was a not good mobile phone for all
Reviewed Xiaomi Mi 4i
Xiamoi Mi 4i was a good mobile but it was not good also it has many problems because I was also facing in this time many problems just like as when I was playRead more...
It was amazing phone for all Xolo Black 1x
Reviewed XOLO Black 1X
Xolo Black 1x it was a amazing mobile phone because in under 10, 000 Rs. No anyone give like this mobile in this mobile phone 5 inch screen with a grat space Read more...
Anjaan was a based on true friendship movie
Reviewed Anjaan
Anjaan was also good south movie a based on the good and true friendship in this movie the two true friends controlling all wrong thing in the Mumbai and one Read more...
X-Men was a great movie of the film industry
Reviewed X-Men: Apocalypse
A new and more famous Hollywood movie of  X-Men a new part was going to release that was X-Men – Apocalypsein this movie all have some power to leaving to norRead more...
Honey Singh was not too good singer
Reviewed Yo Yo Honey Singh
Honey Singh was good singer but some songs of this singer was to bad and some lackness was present in this singer he was singing good and good rap song but heRead more...
Border was movie for the great war of the India
Reviewed Border - Bollywood
Border was a great movie for the revolution in this movie tells about the war of kargil it was a big war of India and Pakistan and no any other country try toRead more...
It was best app for study
Reviewed Current Affairs & GK For exams
Current affairs was a nice app for the android and windows mobile in this app the knowledge and preparations for the all exams and this app helps to make his Read more...
Best fighting show for WWE
Reviewed WWE Wrestling
Wrestling Mania was a nice fighting and good entertains for all in this all types of fighting was involved like as big fighting and small fighting. In this thRead more...
Mozilla was good software for pc
Reviewed Mozilla Firefox
Mozilla firefox was nice software for all the users it was a good facility to search to anything and this software anything which was most uses for the user iRead more...
This software not give good response
Reviewed Microsoft Internet Explorer
Internet Explore was good software but some lackness are present in this software in this software when I opened many tab then it was hanged all time and whenRead more...
Google Chrome was not to good
Reviewed Google Chrome
Chrome was nice software but some lackness are there in this software if we want to open this then it was important to need a internet connection also and theRead more...
Sky high was a nice movie
Reviewed Sky High
Sky high was a also a best movie this movie was based on heroes daughter and son’s. In this movie the commander and his wife was super hero commander was a poRead more...
It was not a good for all coustmers
Reviewed State Bank Of India
State Bank of India was the most famous bank of India but it was not provided a good facility to our customers and this bank has many customers by this no anyRead more...
Not a good bank
Reviewed Punjab National Bank
Punjab National Bank of India was also this time was a famous bank but they didn’t give good service for the our coustmer firstly when goes to this bank all sRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on Vishv9638704776's review
It was also more good feature car
Commented on Priyankasingh2016's review
Thanks for the xolo era it was all budget mobile
Rated on Priyankasingh2016's review
Commented on walavalkarpama's review
Sony Xperia Z5 Premium was also a amazing phone
Rated on enricrowan's review
Commented on enricrowan's review
Thanks for the review of Honda Activa 3G
Commented on vipufriendalps's review
Thanks for the review of motor showroom it was helpful to us
Commented on aashishmuttreja903's review
Thanks for this review it was more useful to me
Rated on aashishmuttreja903's review
Rated on ssuresh98426's review
Commented on ssuresh98426's review
Thanks for this movie review it was some useful to us
Commented on manusrini12359's review
Thanks for Lenovo G50 70 it was Laptop (59 422410) it was also helpful
Rated on manusrini12359's review
Commented on kdsaini1983's review
It was amazing phone i also buy this
Rated on kdsaini1983's review
Thanks for the review of Motorola Moto X Force
TVS Apache was also a nice and good for all
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Akshay Gundecha (@akshaypgundechaMouthShut Verified Member)
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