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Member Since:Nov 30, 2009
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Max new york, "The drain on your purse"
Reviewed Max Life Insurance
Hi Friends, I had a really bad experience with Max newyork,  I clearly mentioned them that I want only one time investment. But to my sRead more...
Kaya- Total waste for your money
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Delhi
Let me just tell you guys, being to kaya is just a drain to ur pockets. I enrolled for kaya Glocolic peel in january 2007, just because I had some pigmentatioRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Followed sandyr2004
Commented on own review
Finally got call...The guy on the call said he is gonna call again in 10 minutes after discussing with authority.....Its 4 hrs now...haven't received any response yet
'Dear Policyholder,Your request is under processing. We will get back to you within 3 working days.We regret any inconvenience caused.Thanks Max Life Insurance'..........this is the message I am getting on my mobile.....first I got this message on 11/06/13....then again on 13/06/13....now on 19/06/1 Read More...
Can you please mention what all details you need?
It's being almost a month now! My case is still pending guys......I am working on the content part to start a campaign against 'KAYA'. Friends are u there to share this campaign with ur friends and make it a success. Let the world know what KAYA is?
hi, just wanted you guys to look into this matter and resolve my problem
Did u talk 2 the doctor and had a discussion?
Still waiting 4 ur response Kaya...................Guys out there..........will i get justice.?
The same thing happenend, I was told that KAYA has arranged a meeting with the doctor to clarify my doubts............To my surprise the doctor diagnosed my face and suggested to enroll for other services, like PHOTO FACIAL and SALICYLIC PEEL...............Sounds strange, a client who is already dis Read More...
Commented on suvendurath's review
yes, it's true, these people are stupid, they have got so many hidden charges
Hey guys, Agent are there to guide you, if they are misguiding customers, that is bad for the company.....And I invested the amount after planning.That was advised by my C.A. to do the investment. But the problem here is the agent who cheated me......................
Commented on ReportingFrauds's review
It seems as if you are advertising for kaya here...........it's not always money that matters but if you are spending money, u definitely like to see the results, and before i forget, we are not dermatologist who can decide which service to enroll, this is what most of the guys here are complaining Read More...
You people betray the trust of your consumers. A person like me, who doesn't know about insurance..............it is the duty of your agents to explain the policy in detail.................And these agents, just to earn commission, cheat the customers........
Rated on micky123's review
Rated on av0312's review
Commented on nirdesh7kumar's review
The agents don't explain the customer properly, that's true they mislead the consumer
Was called for a one o one meeting with the Doctor but still waiting........................for the positive and favourable feedback from KAYA
Rated on viratbond's review
Commented on Preeti25june's review
hi, i had the same experience in DT mage mall Gurgaon branch
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