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Member Since:Sep 15, 2016
120 MS Points
civil engineer,IIT Kharagpur
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Reviewed Spouse: The Truth About Marriage - Shobha De
I have problems with Shobhaa De(not the book, that comes later): a. She thinks she is to India what Candace Bushnell, (Hope I spelt I that right)the creator Read more...
Tigers forever
Reviewed Tigers Forever - Ruskin Bond
Ruskin Bond books have a charm of their own and his style of writing which is very much attached to nature and its creations gives an entirely different experRead more...
That long run
Reviewed That Long Silence - Shashi Deshpande
Picked up this book as a way to allay my guilty feeling for not reading enough Indian authors. Shashi Deshpande ranks high in the list of top Indian authors, Read more...
Reviewed Untouchable - Mulk Raj Anand
This is only a short book and the first two-thirds are quite interesting - a day in the life of a downtrodden Untouchable latrine cleaner and his rat-eating fRead more...
Reviewed Freedom At Midnight - Dominique Lapierre
Oh goody, yet another book written through colonial tinted glasses. Its a well written, easy reading book so I can see why its so popular, and ifRead more...
Reviewed Five Point Someone - Chetan Bhagat
Picked it up out of curiosity, as I am myself a B.Tech student from IIT Kanpur, eager to learn how IIT Delhi was similar/different from my college. Found it Read more...
Yes i too had a love story
Reviewed I Too Had A Love Story - Ravinder Singh
Once again, some great reviews is what led me to reading this book. The book, they say, is a true love tale, written by Ravinder out of the despair of losing Read more...
Ruskin bond
Reviewed Room On the Roof - Ruskin Bond
A Little about the Writer Ruskin Bond is one of the most celebrated children’s authors in India. He has been actively writing since 1951. In his five decadesRead more...
Reviewed Arranged Marriage - Chitra Banerjee
Another derivative piece of literature from another unoriginal South Asian(female) author. Frankly, I wasnt really surprised by the unoriginality of theRead more...
Reviewed Coolie - Mulk Raj Anand
The main theme of Coolie is the exploitation of the poor by the rich in early twentieth century India and the human suffering that this brings about. In his dRead more...
Someone like you
Reviewed Someone Like You - Nikita Singh
It has been a long time since I have read a book. A week or two. Even when I have my Unit Test exams tomorrow, I read Durjoy Datta/Nikita Singhs "SomeonRead more...
Reviewed Till The Last Breath - Durjoy Datta
Durjoy Datta has written six novels prior to this one and is ranked amongst the best-selling Indian authors. If you have read, loved or even hated his works; Read more...
Reviewed Rustom
The infamous 1959 Nanavati case had spawned a couple of early films, neither of which came close to the lurid excitement of the real- life incident which invoRead more...
Great indian capital
Reviewed M. S. Dhoni: The Untold Story
Okay. Let’s start with this. The trailer of M.S.Dhoni - The Untold Story was so hitting, that I not only watched it several times, after I downloaded it on myRead more...
Bad book
Reviewed Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain
The only bummer is that hes sort of a follower to Tom Sawyer. Its like cmon Huckleberry, youre bigger and stronger. Step up and lead bRead more...
Ignited mind
Reviewed Ignited Minds - A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
Once upon a time long ago, when I was young, idealistic and believed in achievement through hard work, dedication and all that jazz- I read this inspirationalRead more...
Good one
Reviewed Tamas - Bhisham Sahni
Partially based on true events that Sahni himself witnessed in the communal riots during Indias Partition in 1947, the novel follows the life of people Read more...
Life changing novel
Reviewed The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari - Robin Sharma
The monk who sold his Ferrari" can be called as life-changing novel! These kind of novels add essence to your life and gives you direction specially in the hRead more...
Horror of civil war
Reviewed Train to Pakistan - Khushwant Singh
Train to Pakistan is a book about the horrors of civil war and how a small peaceful village finally becomes a part of religious hate and communal violence. ItRead more...
Reviewed You Can Win - Shiv Khera
T one of the best book I ever studied.bt its very optimistic nd its nt at all possible for anyone to be always positive at all the probiem.so I nt refusing itRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on krishna1989's review
ohhhh that's pathetic..!!! can i Lodge a complaint against Ambani regarding this dodge and pseudo offers???
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