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Member Since:Nov 01, 2001
0 MS Points
I have no idea what I'm doing here, but then, I seldom do. That's all just part of the wonder and glory that is me. I've yet to find the one special area of this new site to light a fire under my backside, and, after the heartbreak and disillusionment of experiences (ahem) ''at another similar site,'' I'm not entirely sure that my backside would even take notice of freshly lit fires. I like beer, I like music, and I like the laughter that accompanies silly stories and absurd tall tales. I'm more than what you think I am, but less than what I ought to be. I tell lies, but only honest ones. All women want me, though some need more convincing of that fact. If you can laugh at yourself, know what you know and know that you don't know it all, and have the good sense to pick up the tab on a round every now and then, we'll likely get along just fine. Pick up the tab on every round, and we'll get along even better. Speakin of which... didn't *I* buy the last round?. Throwing things
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Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on Rajeev_123's review
hi, i have purchase the XCD 135 DTSI on 28 oct-09. Now at this time its engine and cletch plate doing extra sound and its avrage 50 km/litter or its pik-up very low. so plz do the needful and plz give me reason as on urgent basis on my cell number 9805925703. other wise we have going court for Read More...
Followed mangiotto
Rated on mangiotto's review
Rated on sumo_rhino's review
Commented on sumo_rhino's review
You mean 'The Center of the Civilized Universe'? Chicken fried steaks that hang off the plates on all sides and midnight possum hunts and poke salad with bacon drippings and roadside melon stands and the beauteous wonder of a love spelled out in quick-drying Krylon on a rist-streaked watertower. Read More...
Rated on Snorky_Doolittle's review
Commented on Snorky_Doolittle's review
I agree with you-- it's sad and pathetic to judge by appearances. Especially when there are so many other equally amusing and shallow ways to judge people. And just think-- with one down, you now need only 999 reviews to claim the title of 'Queen of Mouthshut'! HUZZAH! . . . . your ever-l Read More...
Followed Snorky_Doolittle
Followed sumo_rhino , nfp1
Commented on nfp1's review
Hey, Nick-- Glad to see some familiar faces/voices upon arrival here. Like you and other expat Pinheads, I'm still not sure how much to invest here, emotionally. I don't understand some of the different rules, and I'm not sure I'm keen about some parts of the TOS (Lesson #1 learned from the ot Read More...
Rated on nfp1's review
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