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Member Since:Oct 30, 2001
0 MS Points
I followed ''ed_grover'' to this site after two years at another online community of talented, dedicated (and often insane) writers that is slowly caving in on itself due to recent ill-advised corporate management decisions which presumably are inevitable byproducts of the CEO and his managers having read too many of our opinions and actually bought the products. My family and I live in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains in Northeast Los Angeles County, California, USA with my wife of 23 years, a former professional ballet dancer who now teaches. We have twin sons in college in Southern California. As a former award-winning major market newspaper and network broadcast journalist, I can remember when ''cut and paste'' meant scratchy copy paper cut with straight edges pasted together with glue from pots filled with the cigar ashes of sweat-stained, yellow-skinned news editors. I'll take my old Underwood manual typewriter with the green keys over my laptop any day, though it lies unused for decades somewhere under a wood pile in my garage, I imagine. At work I have spent the last 14 years helping build the leading producer and distributor of corporate and agency multimedia content to diverse television, radio and Internet audiences. And, amazingly enough considering the space I work in, I'm still employed...actually busier than ever with added responsibilities as the economic situation has forced us all to change how we operate...and staying that busy is eating up my time so much in recent weeks that my contributions to this site will be few and far between for a while.... ...which may be a good thing. Nick . Listening to music, playing my guitars and singing, movies, books, civic activities and politics, tennis.
About Me
Education: University of Pennsylvania, USA
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Gus Van Sant's ''Better'' Will Hunting
Reviewed Finding Forrester
As a film “Finding Forrester” is a diamond in the rough that is everything “Good Will Hunting was not – believable, charmiRead more...
''From Hell'': Brits 'n The Hood
Reviewed From Hell
“From Hell” is an apt name for a movie that is a pain-in-the-rear to evaluate. I have rarely walked in to see a film with such a sincere predisposRead more...
Blood Meridian: The Gritty Wild West
Reviewed Blood Meridian - Cormac McCarthy
(I have reviewed the following interesting product on a competing site. I have drastically cut and somewhat modified it here so as not to violate that siteRead more...
Somewhere over the rainbow....
Reviewed MouthShut Trusted Circle
I CAME..... Out there in that virtual landscape where eager faces reflect the cathode-ray glow from computer monitors at 2 a.m., where inspiration comes and Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Followed ififbarb
Rated on deaser26's review
Commented on ScorpioDreams's review
...'other' side, Gina. You're still in top form, I see. nick
Rated on ScorpioDreams's review
Followed ScorpioDreams
Followed Caleo , CanadianTuxedo , 29th_Candidate , DiverPam
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Rated on James023's review
Commented on deaser26's review
..which is a masterpiece, but I must admit I gagged at seeing your mention of Dune. Oh, well. It's a free world. :-) nick
...last night, you have to figuire a Lewis-Tyson fight would be the big draw in the heavyweight class. Then we'd see if Tyson has lent your suggestions an...uh...ear. cheers, nick
..but I remember liking the movie very much a long time ago, with George Segal in the title role if memory serves. Good post, Mike. nick
Followed deaser26
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