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Member Since:Jan 10, 2013
5355 MS Points
If you ask me to speak about me , I have a lots to say . Firstly,I am an Android Developer from Cochin ,kerala.... Iam a Very Casual guy who believes less in formalities.. Very friendly... And Lot More talkative.. I am a person who believe strongly in Principles. I believe in thinking Different , unlike the common Man. Iam a Perfectionist & would Love to see everything in its Right position. A bit creative too..One among those few people who would love to mark their presence in this world. .I hates all kinds of complexities in this world. Keep it simple . I would always love to lend a helping hand to anyone . I just love all kinda Pets....Especially puppies. .... Loves kids and loved to be a kid always.. A guy who simply loves all Kinds of gadgets. Always Curious about anything & everything.. Loves Experimenting with things...Some people call me a geek. What More... ??? Haan...unless you know me, pls dont Sent me a Friend Request for the Sake of Raising that Number in Blue Besides the word “Friends “ in your Profile ...loll ;-) http://ajithmemana.blogspot.com/ http://thesonyericssonlivewithwalkman.blogspot.com/
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Very poor service, inverter not serviced 1 month
Reviewed Luminous Inverter and UPS
If somebody is reading this message, I request you to never buy Luminous inverters. I had bought a Luminous Zelio 1100 inverter and is chasing this guys to geRead more...
Service "was" great
Reviewed d2h
I have been a customer for last 4 years. Thats from the beginning. They offered everything for cheap those days. The base package itself had a lot of chRead more...
A beast for the highway... A complete overview ..
Reviewed Yamaha FZ-S
Firstly let me tell you that this is my first ride. I am not an expert in bikes, let me list out some of the Pros and cons. Wider tyres looks cool Superb dRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Followed kirandas4u , binoalengaden , coolvikki530i , anilkpkara , arundevma
Commented on harivinu's review
Is the switching delay low enough that i can skip buying a seperate UPS for my computer ?
Commented on priyanklive's review
Commented on Odinesh's review
Please explain whats AMC !
Rated on phoenician's review
Rated on TRIKUD's review
Commented on rajfoxy's review
You said it right, That website is not owned by Official APC India. You should have easily realized that when you first visited the page. & Please do write a review on the product rather than the quality of service offered by some dump sellers in India
Rated on priyanklive's review
Rated on ramki442's review
Rated on ramkumarsisodia's review
Rated on tokiran's review
Rated on sadik_best's review
Rated on vineeta_18's review
Commented on ashok_ms's review
i reccommend you to get a plain black Fz16 ... Looks far better
Commented on MJohnV's review
dude can u please tell me if ur fz is a new model with twin cable for accelerator ? Whats the style of ur driving that gives u a low mileage of 35- 40 ? I have heard that new fz16 & fzs are same and i own a fz which gives a fair mileage of 50 on highway
Rated on sramanareddy's review
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