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Tamil Nadu
Member Since:Apr 21, 2017
540 MS Points
I'm a techy who's giving you these reviews by my personal experience. I provide the review genuinely. Such that my reviews are trustworthy.
About Me
Education: Master in Science - Physics
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Another competitor in a row.
Reviewed InFocus Turbo 5
Nowadays all features of a smartphone are available in the price range of rs7000 itself.And every brand started lauching a model in the very same price.In theRead more...
High priced
Reviewed Ajio
We all do shopping for few reasons, easy shopping, all in one place and high discounts. This app doesnt seem friendly. The products are not a lot likeRead more...
Show #On the target
Reviewed Arrow
We all love action and crime series, if you want to get entertained. Then Arrow is the series you have to watch. Arrow is action crime series which is createdRead more...
Gets you crazy
Reviewed The Flash
Everyone as a kid would have wondered by watching FLASH in justice league animated series. Or would have read The FLASH comics. In 2014, THE FLASH series staRead more...
Most reliable website,I prefer most...
Reviewed Flipkart
I used to buy products online from most of the online shopping websites.Yet still I prefer only a few websites to buy the products that I need.One among the bRead more...
Another fun game
Reviewed Hill Climb Racing 2
Its a further upgrade of hill climb racing which is also a top grossing game. This game has multiplayer mode racing in different stages and different lRead more...
Fine products
Reviewed Amazon
This is one of the most reliable online shopping cart. I dont need to give a introduction to this site. My review isbased on my experience with AmazonRead more...
Addiction within
Reviewed Subway Surfers
We all love games to play and hit the stress out of us. This game is one of the top grosser game which is played by most of the smartphone users. This a gamRead more...
Find the unknown
Reviewed Truecaller
We use our phone as basic gadget to talk with people and friends. When you get a missed call from your contacts list, it would be easy to note the name and cRead more...
Digital wallet easy use
Reviewed Paytm
We always do this one mistake most of the time, missing our wallet and credit or debit card. This one app helps us in paying our bill at the stores, cafe stoRead more...
Waste of time
Reviewed Taskbucks
We do most of our expenses on mobile recharge for voice as well as data balance.If you could do some time on doing tasks which will give you a profit in a couRead more...
Unnoticed one
Reviewed Coolpad Mega 3
We are using smartphones nowadays, you cannot see hands without smartphones. The basic features of a smartphone are touchscreen, high speed data, front and bRead more...
Cheap and handy
Reviewed Coolpad Dazen 1
I am giving this review of coolpad dazen1 4G handset. Usually everyone give review when they buy a new smartphone but I am doing it as Iam not going to use iRead more...
Pops on
Reviewed Facebook Messenger
We all are interested in chatting with friends and people. This app allows us to chat with the people who are connected as friends. It is so effective and fRead more...
Easy at use
Reviewed MX Player
We all use smartphone for many purposes one such a kind is watching the videos we love at high quality. The thing is most phones dont have good or better vidRead more...
Faster way to share & connect
Reviewed SHAREit
As I usually used to say this on most of my reviews that we are in a faster world and things are to be done much faster. Then you have a perfect app in your Read more...
Addiction overloaded
Reviewed Clash Of Clans
It wont be a new review like giving on a rare app, everyone know about this one game and their share in the market. Concept is all about stratergy, you cant Read more...
Usable app
Reviewed VidMate
This is an app that can be used to download videos and music and even apps from featuring websites. This allows access to number of different websites to dowRead more...
Live Tv in hand
Reviewed Hotstar
We all in a world of nonstop, we dont have enough time to spend on television. As we dont find time during the telecast and when we find the time there is noRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
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Commented on kumarrajiv752's review
Nice mobile on the market that one shoul buy
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