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Member Since:Oct 28, 2007
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A Complete Security System
Reviewed Aftek Spyguard SG-10
Salient Features ĂĽ Records video clips (10 to 15 images per second) when any movement/activity is detected in its area of focus/vicinity. ĂĽ Sounds hooter orRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on mouthshutrocks's review
Hi, I have installed Spyguard a security system by Aftek a very useful system and also very cost effective. Easy to install and operate the user manual is helpful too. Other cameras cannot be integrated with it and it does not have different zones, but an effective system to have. It keeps you co Read More...
Commented on techjunkie's review
Hi, I have just installed a security system called Spyguard from Aftek. The system is very cost effective, its a intrusion alarm system and a camera integrated into one. Although it cannot be integrated with other cameras and does not have different zones. Its been working vey effectively Read More...
Commented on raghubirsohal's review
Hi, There is this product called Spyguard from Aftek in the market that is an intrusion alarm system and a camera integrated into one device. The basic advantage of this system is the user does not need to go with two different systems that is an serveillace and an access control system. It canno Read More...
Commented on prashant112's review
Hi Prashant, I have installed a security system called Spyguard from Aftek it is a very cost effective and easy to install system it comes with a camera, motion sensor, door sensor a hooter and a remote control, but it does not have different zones and it cannot be integrated with different camer Read More...
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