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Member Since:Oct 07, 2003
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. Mathematics, cricket, hindi music, philosophy, history, physics etc etc.
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Education: B. Tech
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CHUCKING: A case for Murali
Reviewed M. Muralitharan
The question I want to raise first is Why is chucking inherently bad? Why should chuckers be hated? The answer at times given is - A rule is a rule. I want toRead more...
Very few express thus...
Reviewed Twenty Best Hindi Romantic Songs
Following is the list of the 20 of my favourites I could think of now.I am sure after having posted them I will think of many more.In the collection blow I haRead more...
My Dream Team
Reviewed Cricket World XI
I am unsure whether this category is meant to choose among the current cricketers or all time cricketers. I give myself the benefit of doubt and get equipped Read more...
My analysis
Reviewed Lok Sabha
Here I present my views on the recent turn of events. Lot has happened and lot has been interpreted. The Political Ambitiousness : Almost everyone seems to Read more...
The Best Ten
Reviewed Ten Best One Day Batsmen
Well I am really fond of picking up great cricketers(based on some filter, like ODI batsmen this time) and rank them. Its such a temptation hard to resist. YoRead more...
Excellent in parts
Reviewed Murder
(Since other reviews have described the characters and story, I shall not redo that) The movie apart from its steamy scenes has a few things that make it watRead more...
The most sophisticated game played by humans
Reviewed Cricket
In what follows I shall attempt to justify the title of this review Now for a soccer fan, soccer is the greatest game, for a rugby player rugby is greatest aRead more...
The Greatest Five
Reviewed Five Best Cricketers
Wisden recently named the following as the five cricketers of the century: Sir Don Bradman Sir Garfield Sobers Sir Jack Hobbs Shane Warne Sir Vivian RichRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
Coolmun, If I were to form the team again, I will have Hadlee, Marshal, Imran Khan, Syndey Barnes and Muralitharan as my bowlers. That would make it a good attack for any kind of track. I will play one batsman less and expect Imran and Gilly to make handy contributions, with some strokes from Read More...
Commented on amjad_maruf's review
Agree with you that the plot was so unreal and unconvincing. Particularly agree with this... 'Ironically, after all this it is Rani who goes on looking for love outside her marriage when it should have been Abhishek doing that. And what does SRK do that makes Rani fall in love with her. Nothing.' Read More...
Rated on amjad_maruf's review
Thanks for your comment. Right now I am not really in a mood to defend Murali. However as far as going by old books or great experts are concerned, I don't rely on them. Stats are hard facts. Do not get affected by subjectivity. Experts can make funny comments like Imran Khan saying that Inzamam Read More...
Commented on Faerie's review
Haven't been visiting Mouthshut much. Whenever I do, I do check your reviews. Just couldn't help commenting on this review, the incurable romantic soul that I am :) 'They looked so cute as pals' If they look so cute, they didn't look cute as pals. Atleast 2 guys as pals don't look cute to me. Read More...
Rated on shwetabh's review
Commented on akisha's review
Hi Akisha... I just finished reading Gone with the wind and then I came to know that there is sequeal but written by a different author...which kind of discourages me to pick it up. Hunted for its review and found yours :) But as I was reading it you seemed to be revealing a lot so I have not rea Read More...
Rated on akisha's review
Rated on Chimera's review
Hi Sujata, Different beliefs work for different people... To me 'love' is just a 4 letter word...and this word is impotent...what is potent is one's feelings...the question 'Am I in love?' is futile...I never ask that to myself and ofcourse never to someone else...All I ask myself is...'How ba Read More...
So infatuation doesn't last long.... OK...what my concern is how can one judge for oneself whether his feelings are love or infatuation (its of no use whatsoever to judge for someone else)...so for how long should one wait for his feelings to subside before deciding that he is in love...and what Read More...
'You don't have to be in love to be happy' Hmm...on face of it that should be intuitively obvious without calling for any supportive arguments...but then there is that feeling...Am I the only one left out...and it can kill... 'True love...and blah blah' I could never figure out how everyone Read More...
Totally agree with - love yourself first, more than anybody can love you...In any case its a myth that one can love someone more than one's own self...You can dettach yourself with anything and anybody including your lover, but not your mind and body... Punishing oneself for someone else's mistak Read More...
Rated on Faerie's review
Think beofre you press 'send' Yes, I have regretted that in past...infact, on mouthshut itself...you know when? Nice review... Regards, Ankit Ps. I feel one may, at times, not be what he/she appears on net...for instance one might be an introvert in real life...but/therefore is very act Read More...
Rated on mnc123's review
Commented on mnc123's review
Hi Millind, You seem to remember so much of Wasim...awsome!! Wasim looked like an artist...looked in complete control of his game...he was a legend.... Though you know that I feel he is over rated :) I rate Marshall, Hadlee, Trueman, Ambrose etc above him. Neverthless, its a crime to compare t Read More...
Munna was waiting for your comments immediately after posting the reivew :) Chukers, I reckon don't get extra spin but they only provide it sufficient pace to allow the ball travel, i.e. when talking of finger spinners. Spin is generated by the fingers and not the elbow. Murali's extra spin is d Read More...
Munir: I am an obsessed fan of Sachin. I will fight till death with someone who suggests that Sachin doesn't win matches :) But there is a truth that I realize, When Murali retires he will hold every single bowling record whereas the batting records will be shared between Sahin Tendulkar, Brian Lara Read More...
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