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West Bengal
Member Since:Feb 10, 2004
0 MS Points
I have graduated in Mass Communication and am currently.....exploring!!! (dont stress the grey cells too much...its just a dressy word for unemployed!!!!). I love reading, pani puris watching movies, sketching, and cooking.... the regular kinda stuff... i draw happiness from the small things in life.
About Me
Education: Graduate
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Bollywood Song Sequences:Can we do without them?
Reviewed Changing Face of Cinegoer
Can life be without breath? Can fragrance be without flower? Can light be without the sun? Oh God, I think I am beginning to sound like a bit of the maniac thRead more...
Reviewed Angoor
I did not think Shakespeare was capable of comedy. Shakespeare?s comedies take such a toll on the mental faculties that they hardly leave you with enough enerRead more...
Reviewed Difficult Daughters - Manju Kapoor
Set around the time of partition, Difficult Daughters is the story of Virmati seen through the eyes of her daughter Ida, from whom her mother?s past had alwayRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on matwalaboy's review
Rated on itikasharma's review
Commented on nikamma1112's review
...i've not read this revu earlier....little late in the day i kno...but superbly written raj! forget the course...write tht dream book of urs! happy new year! :-) p.
Rated on kitkat_2000's review
Rated on Libra82107's review
Commented on farrukhnaeem's review
.... start saving up for this one!!! i stumbled on ur profile by chance, just when i need to know all i can abt copywriting!! its amazing i havent discovered u out here earlier!!! keep writing!! :-)
Commented on paulose's review
agree that sholay is probably one of the best films indian cinema will ever make. although i can't really put my finger on reason. is it really only the film or is it also the hype arnd it tht makes it so popular? i guess its bcos its like a dish made with measured ingredients...something to suit ev Read More...
Commented on ankit_jn's review
ur girlfriend's one lucky girl buddy!! this is a heavenly revu... i have never looked at many of these songs from the point of view u took.... very very well written....u sound like a GENUINE romantic ..:-)
...to post my comment i guess :-) but this is one great review....more so bcos it sounds sincere.... do come bk to ms....:-)
Rated on manoj101's review
Commented on aerosol's review
...and a very good film too...but i agree with zombie here....mahesh manjrekar's best work so far has been Astitva. he hasnt beaten himself yet....
Rated on aerosol's review
Rated on captcharisma22's review
Commented on captcharisma22's review
its nice to hear ur pretty tolerant abt others opinions....i am too as a general rule. but when it comes to abhishek...well i sort of involuntarily dislike any1 who thinks he's no good :-( !!! rite from refugee ive bin almost in love with him.sumthin abt those eyes i guess..lol.... good review.... Read More...
Commented on andurile's review
that is one of the best reviews i have ever read. i saw the film y'day and was going to write a review on it. but now i've decided against it. after ur review, there's nuthing left to say. wat i like abt ur review is not the way u've written or anything. its just that u covered ABSOLUTELY everything Read More...
Commented on lal7um's review
...I think the biggest strength of this film was its script. As for closeness to reality is concerned, we do live in the ugly world where selfishness is the general rule than not. Most of us manage a balance of reaction. But there are some who can't. Koel Puri's character is one such girl. Although Read More...
Rated on mouthshutdotcom's review
Commented on manu_srinivasan's review
...to hear that u didnt enjoy this book. i thot it was refreshing. and am also sorry to hear tht u bought this book bcos of the 'iit' tag as u call it...if u'd have paid attn to the initial pages u'd have noticed tht the author says the book's got nothing to do with iit really. maybe u'd be 90 bucks Read More...
Commented on aniruddha_bose123's review
congratulations on being a non smoker. i really hope from the bottom of my heart tht u remain this way all ur life :)... and thanx for tht gr8 review. ive bin trying to get a couple of very important ppl in my life to quit smoking... i really hope this review will make them see sense... :) keep em Read More...
Rated on aniruddha_bose123's review
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