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Member Since:Jul 18, 2008
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Surprises Galore
Reviewed Fiat Linea
Here goes the review on a brand from a car manufacturer who evokes the most extreme responses in the Indian automobile sector: MAD LOVE by the proud owners &Read more...
My 2 yrs with Xeta -Part I (general info)
Reviewed Tata Indica V2 Xeta
This is my first review for msht and I really dont know how useful it will be (though to make it simpler I have tried to review various aspects of car ownershRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on naveen_79's review
Hi I was also looking at a perfromance tuning chip and keenly following the pete's box. But I still awaiting experiences from others who installed the same. I believe you are one of the very guys who has moded a linea. Can you tell me what is the top speed now & what is the 0-100 times? As you rig Read More...
Commented on rahulavachat's review
It was never underpowered anyway (most of these perceptions are from people who either do not own it or have just taken a test drive). The trick is to get used to the longish clutch play (which is impossible during the test drive). The 30 -120 kmphr figures is better than most cars in the segment ma Read More...
New Linea MJD BS IV has 93 PS. The difference is perceptible.
Commented on vivek7979's review
Hi Vivek Saw your post on CAR WALE too. As somebody rightly mentioned there HOW is your car April 2008 manufactured? (linea was launched much later) - Or is it a typo? Driving for 3 months with warning light is a sure recipe for TROUBLE...who is to blame? Also LINEA 100% has WARRANTY on the Read More...
Commented on drsjdeshpande's review
I guess the top end variant 'EMOTION ' of linea sells more than others. So this variant with alloys wheels is the one that most of them have. But this is first time that I ve heard anybody complaining abt the quality of alloys in LINEA. This is after scanning team BHP, carwale zigwheels & other foru Read More...
Commented on drsavohra's review
Hi The dealer has either passed on a Test drive car (believe me there are lots of dealers who do this to unsuspecting customers) or one which met with an accident prior to delivery. A proper PDI in daylight is important before delivery of any car. Also while booking it is important to get the VIN Read More...
Commented on shivaru's review
Here is a link that summarizes the experiences of Indian customers with skoda http://www.team-bhp.com/forum/indian-car-scene/55796-team-bhp-stands-truth-but-skoda-wants-instigate-team-bhp-its-users.html#post1273840
hi Shivaru Thats the beauty of Euro Build cars - Absolutely no comparison with the Japs in handling & ride. The only sore point is the service but its just a matter of finding the right service station. With Skoda the issue is finding the right service station as there many horror stories of s Read More...
Commented on rmarathe24's review
can you give me the number of Anandyatri. I am planning a visit but cant find the website
Commented on yogesh_patil1's review
@ yogesh Except for SX4, every car in the segment - HONDA CITY, FIESTA, VERNA have the problem of GC. But when I buy a car, GC is the lowest on my parameter list. Could differ for others who really have to travel through bad roads (then go for a UV or SUV). There are many Good cars out there wi Read More...
Commented on own review
My version is without ACC (auto climate control) & rear AC vents. The cooling adequate but then I am yet to experience a full blown summer with the car. So far I am satisfied with the AC but I ve not really compared the cooling with other cars hence purely my opinion based on the experience with thi Read More...
Thank you Dinzaach, Yeah 110 ps would be great fun. But the MJD is not bad at all. Why is reference to performance made on the basis of 0-100? As per AUTOCAR figs the 30-100 & 40-120 acceleration is much superior to CITY, SX4, FIESTA. Can we can call the engine underpowered coz of the lag in first/ Read More...
Commented on sandeep.dosanjh's review
Taking in to account your monthly running petrol is best suited Manza is good car considering the price it is offerd at. The space is awesome. I almost booked a Manza when it was launched but got swayed by the linea standing next to it. But in terms of sheer value nothing comes close to MANZA (the b Read More...
Oye Guruji, I accepted once before that I am just a mere novice in front of your so called experience with 7-8 cars. Tum GYANI Ho, Antaryami Ho, Sab ke Swami Ho...Tum PURUSH nahi .....(we all know how it ends) and hence I ve no intention of getting in to any kinda discussion with you. You are invite Read More...
Commented on deepsea_venom's review
If honda civic is your dream car then I guess honda city is the right choice irrespective of all parameters discussed. City is almost a CIvic at a lower price. Also the fact that you wont be driving much makes Honda a better choice coz I believe SX4 is a more rugged car and is best for those need to Read More...
Commented on munendra_singh's review
Very Honest Review! I guess most of us give more weightage to car manufacturers who have good brand image and resale value rather than looking the real value of the car before buying it.
Rated on munendra_singh's review
BTW, are you by chance from town? Just to know a fellow linean better.
error ' I can trust them with my LINEA' I can't trust...
Hi Vivek The service at Wasan is good & prompt. The only issue is the fact that you are not treated like the owner of luxury of car (I dont mind a bit of ego massage). Their waiting area is pathetic (your presence hardly matters). This is the only concern. I had written about the same to Mr. Rajee Read More...
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