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By: Winglet | Posted: Mar 31, 2008 | General | 1009 Views

I have been following the Scarlett keeling rape and murder case since the past month.Not for its being making waves news but just for the fact that she was a 15year old young girl! She came to India with her mom and a group of other people.For a 15 year old girl, Scarlett was already into drugs and sex and this reflects on her parenting too to a great extent.Once they were in Goa the young girl did not want to move on to Karnataka like the rest of her group.She being a minor in an alien country, her mom must have know the dangers of a little girl being on her own.

Most tourists are made aware of the place they are about to visit before landing itself. The culture, dressing sense, safety precautions et al. So we can't say that Fiona Mackeon, her mom was unaware of all this. Yet she leaves her 15yr old daughter in Goa and moves on to travel in Karnataka.

Why did Fiona leave Scarlett alone?

Even if she threw a tantrum, how could she bow down to her wishes?

`I didnt leave her alone but in the care of Julio, a 25yr oldĀ  tour guide in Goa.'she justifies.

Who is Julio? How can she trust him?

What kind of mom does she project herself?

Wasn't Julio using scarlett? Didnt Fiona know about her daughter's addiction to drugs and sex?

Who was responsible for Scarlett's mental state?

Who is responsible for the murder and rape of Scarlett keeling??

Her mom or the drug dealer and Julio.

What right had Fiona to blame Indians for the murder without taking the onus of the blame on her shoulders??

I would like all of you to put in your comments as this has been disturbing me a lot mentally.I have an 18yr old daughter studying far makes me shudder to think of being anything like Fiona Mackeon.

Can a mother be so selfish as to move on for her pleasure to tour, leaving her young daughter in the hands of a total stranger?

Scarlett's cartoons in her diary are heart rending! :(

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