Que sera sera...whatever wil be will be the futures not ours to see...que sera sera......
When I was just a little girl I read a story...That therewas a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and many people chase it but it iselusive. For me life itself was a riot of colours....married at 19...wow!how colourful it was....bhangra, gidda for days, then my son brought aboutmyriads of colours into my life just an year after. Motherhood is so completeand oh so wonderful and with a partner who dotes on you....masha allah...kyakehne.......I thought my life was complete...I didnt need anything else....Ididnt want another child too but my sasuma was after my life...imagine no girland no baraat coming to my door after having three sons.....no granddaughter??Well point there.....then came my daughter.....the joy she brought wasamazing.....my husband [all for sons] totally ignored him and doted onher...spoilt her rotten....I was treated like a queen by him but my princesstook my place.....It was so bad, that if I wanted to go out on Sunday I had tobeg my daughter to placate her dad:) She made him dance to her tunes....literally…..timepassed and we celebrated our 21st anniversary….you may say…so what??Big deal, many couples do…..but ours was a unique marriage where we neverfought even once in 21yrs…..I don’t remember him raising his voice neither didI !! Albeit I did most of the compromising and sacrificing as he was abusinessman and I raised the kids myself. I never nagged, never demanded nordid he. My brother-in-law and sis-in-law had a grand party on their 25thanniversary. We both then decided we would rather go off to Switzerland by ourselves[anniversaries should be private, heheheJ]
Wasn’t my life full of colour? You must be thinking howidyllic.
Then came the holocaust. He just left me to spend time withHIM up there. All of a sudden, my life was colorless. Stark….my rainbow wasgone.
I was thrown into a mire of slush and filth which wassucking me deep inside it. But my kids’ faces implored me to pull myself out. Ihuffed and puffed and came out with many bruises mentally but still sane.Gathered my wits and started working towards a new rainbow. My kids were myrainbow and the entire colour I needed. My son got placed in TCS and is now working in Mexico and mydaughter stood school second with 94.6% that year.Now she is pursuing her graduation from Miranda house, New Delhi and is making me a proud mama with her accomplishments. Main to rang gayi……My rainbow was back and I could now see the pot of gold at theend of it in their faces.
Life is full of colour if you see it optimistically andpositively……never say die spirit goes a long way towards your goal. From acomfortable homemaker to a company executive and a columnist with The Hindu, Ihave changed many colours and I enjoy them all. What if society says I can’tplay holi.Is there any less colour in my life now? My son is shining in his career and mydaughter is gonna be a famous media person soon. Am painted in Technicolor, Eastmancolour and digital colours!! Am a proud mom and am very colourful from the topof my hennaed hair to my silver painted toes!!
I have a selected few net friends too who are a part of my rainbow butI wont take names lest I forget any and my rainbow turns dull!
I played Holi with myMS friends online.Believe me it was the best Virtual experience.I enjoyed everymoment as if I played in real.I would like to thank Swati...my Swan for it and forinspiring me to write this post while she plays with real colours and me withmy rainbow!