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By: Cattie | Posted: Dec 16, 2010 | General | 1176 Views (Updated Dec 19, 2010)

After long long time, I'm writing again on my Fav Site MS , Where was Cattie ??

As I told you, I was in Hospital, badly hurt !!!Just Recovered !!!Took the Medicine 'Forgive & Forget' & Hey !!! I was out of Depression !!! Back to the REAL REAL World where U & I live, where the Common Man Lives !!!

Learnt a Tough Lesson in Life - KEEP 1000 mtrs LENGTH FROM CELEBRITIES !! They have forgotten what it is to be a Friend of a Common Man !!!!You'll too better follow it, as one person's Experience can be another person's Learning.

Well wanted to tell you something that happened with me the other day.

I was getting off the train, at VT (First Class Compartment), I saw an old lady, in her small thin frame wrapped with a thinner sari, nine yards Maharastrian style. She looked so frail but she was so clean & neat & had a fully wrinkled cute little face .

I saw her begging for small change from the ladies in the compartment. None bothered as it was peak hour & people were rushing to offices. I too was kinda late, but then Cattie Does What She Wants & cares a damn for Rules of Mankind. So I decided not to rush off like the others & walked up to the old lady & asked her what she wanted.

She smiled with happiness that I asked her this & told me, she wanted some money. I then asked her why she wanted it, was she thrown out by her children, or hungry or what ! She told me, that her son was a drunkard & her daughter-in-law was a servant & she was living with them somehow surviving. She said she has her Fields in her village & she wanted to go back to her village but had no money, so she was begging to collect the train fare of Rs. 300/-.

I asked her if she wanted work & she smiled & told me 'No', she said, she would be very happy once she goes back to her village, as there she had her village neighbors & her other family & she would not need to work or be a burden on her son & his wife. So everyday, she comes into the train & begs from 9 to 11 in the morning & collects the money in her little box waiting for it to become Rs 300/-, so she can go back to her village.

My heart melted for this little old woman, & I took her to the railway stall, bought her some vada-paus & a cup of tea. Then I told her that once she gets her money, she should promise me that she will go back to her village & I should never see her begging anymore in the trains. She nodded her head & promised. I then gave her an Rs 100/- note & told her that I hope, with my contribution, her ticket money would accumulate to the fare, so that she could go back to her village & live there happily for the rest of her days.

She looked at me with bright eyes filled with tears & lifting her frail hands, she touched my head & Blessed me. I was so touched & felt so good with her Blessings. As she walked back to board another train back to her son's house, I prayed to GOD, to help this little old woman, to go back to her village & spend the rest of her days in her own little farml& happily.

Friends, Cattie requests you all to Pray for this Little Old Woman, that she gets to go back to her village soon & live there happily for the rest of her life. PRAYERS ARE VERY POWERFUL FRIENDS.


Cattie Always Kit Kat

You guys have forgotten to read the First part of this Diary, where I explain that I was not physically hurt but Heart-ly Hurt. But every Hurt and Pain in life teaches you something...

Thanks for the nice comments. Jituji is so Right, when we don't bat an eye-lid paying thousands for our Precious Health, can we not give to some needy person ?

Nagaraj, U Really a a Good Hearted Man & GOD-Fearing, wish there were more people like you in this world.

Yes Nishant, U R Right, there is an Organised Criminal Gang Out There, looting us daily. But Nishu, she did not give the 'regular' begging dialogues. She was quiet & just extended her hand out to people. Which Beggar would tell you that they have Fields of Rice & Wheat back home & when they are in their own Village they need not Beg ?

Actually, instead of just giving money to beggars, why not take out some time & talk to them, especially the Old People ?

We bother so much about accumulating Wealth, Fame, points.......! Do we ever think how many Points we are gaining in GOD's Book in Heaven ?? What are we going to take back with us when we leave this world ?? ONLY OUR GOOD KARMA, Our Good Deeds !! Friends, let's start accumulating points in GOD'S BOOK instead of PLANET EARTH'S BOOK.

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