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By: jnan | Posted: Sep 06, 2013 | General | 388 Views

This is to share the context of the theme of my book for those interested in reading, which is recently published by Partridge India of Penguin Gorup.

Over the years, right from young age to old age, we all witness a sea change in people, particularly from different generations and hence a shift in priorities of life and consequent value systems. But, the basic emotional needs like peace, happiness, love etc. still remain the same and that too, in all countries, though the means of getting them have shifted to a great extent with rapid change in life style. Young people including kids these days often fall victim to situation and commit suicide, go through sudden separation/divorce and also be violent and kill in extreme cases. The major strain now-a-days is on all types of "relationships" like parents and children, husband and wife, lovers and friends, boss and subordinates and among colleagues etc.

The ‘relationship’ between a woman and man, which is the primary base in life and that all look for, prompted the author to reflect and write life like stories of four main couples in the backdrop of the narrator’s own,from different countries and social background and even with cultural differences. They come to know each other in person or over the Net, build a relationship, go through conflicts of interests and some sustain and even enrich the relationship while some break away due to basic values of life. Relationship is not a deal, rather based on intrinsic values like understanding, adjustment, mutual respect, admiration of special qualities ( as each individual has), openness with clear communications and above all, trust and responsibility enveloped in love. To sever a relationship, there should be enough courage and inner strength to uphold the principle of intrinsic values in our life without sweet coating. All episodes provide some history and geographic background apart from socio-political aspects to understand the mould of each character and their characteristics, while all couples are beaded through common string of ‘Rhythm of Life” !

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