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By: jnan | Posted: Feb 01, 2013 | General | 365 Views

We enjoy most any vocation, be it travel, meeting new people, visiting historical places, sharing a joke or even reading a book when our spirit is soared up and we feel lightness inside. This is the tangible part of our experience, whereas it has an intangible part too, which is subtle, being in our consciousness.

Most of us do not realize it, since we are only engaged in our physical journey through life, without understanding the spiritual part of our journey. We live with various relations, personal, business and community and accordingly, we keep on acting based on our value systems and perceptions. Spiritually that goes into our karmic cycle accounts for credit or debit depending upon good or bad actions we take; even a wrong thought without being spoken or acted upon physically, gets into our karmic account that decides our future. This is very tacit aspect of life and only could be understood when we are in spiritual journey even amid our routine physical life with daily chores.

First clarity should be about our true entity. Am I this body which is visible and identified with a name, family, race, country, religion, academic and professional achievements etc. which we keep on adding to us as we progress in life from young age to old? But, these are material attributes to our physical existence like a product with its tags. As we start introspecting seriously, we could feel that we are beyond this physical entity, which provides us the consciousness to be animated through our thinking, checking, judging and deciding qualities and attributes in other human beings. We can understand and also appreciate our existence is due to the spirit that provides the consciousness, whom we call ‘soul’ and in short, it is the spiritual energy with consciousness, which is the “being” part and physical body is the “human” part…..together we are known as “ human being”.

To soar up our spirit or the soul (our true entity), we need lightness physically and also spiritually. We enjoy travelling, when travel light. Same way, we need to remove physical burden of material gains due to struggle for position, possession, wealth and power by any means. We drive ourselves mad to achieve these material goals at any cost. Similarly, we need to remove our emotional burden that deals with our mind, which is poisoned by vices like anger, lust, greed, attachment and ego. These vices spoil all relationships, bring unhappiness, make us selfish and bring down our health etc. due to struggle for the same goal of importance, wealth and power.

On the contrary, if we overcome these burdens, we enjoy every bit of life in this material world amid all trials and tribulation with sound relationship at all levels and feel double lighted both physically and spiritually with soar up spirit all the time, that is, I think, we all really strive for …… true ”freedom in live “ (Jeevanmukti) ! If it so, it is worth pondering and focusing on true goal in life.

Tags :
true, Freedom, goal, life''s
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