That driver is none other than my "soul" (atma), the conscious energy which puts life in our physical body like the driver of car does when he switches on the ignition or charges the energy in fuel latent in it by igniting. Like all energy we know (viz. heat, electricity) our soul, the conscious energy is never destroyed. What dies really on human death, is the "human" part, the body as it is organic and hence perishable like all organic matter in this world. This happens when our soul departs from the body at the end of its Karmic cycle and then is reborn with another human costume elsewhere with different physical identity. Out of our "human being" classification, "human" relates to our physical existence in the body while" being" part is the soul which is ever present in this universe. Interestingly, MIND that produces various thoughts continuously, INTELLECT that visualizes and chooses before we take an action either mentally or physically and all actions that keep an imprint, known as RESOLVE (Sanskar) are the faculties of our soul and they stay with us throughout. Many people, particularly at young age can remember and retrace the past life, which is now proven by mental regression process conducted by psycho analyst through hypnotism.
If we now examine critically, we will find that our Mind produces various thoughts ( positive or negative) that give rise to our "feelings" (good or bad). This creates our "attitude" towards a person or a thing. If the conditioned attitudes continues, it becomes our "habit" like some of us are always jolly, some are irritant, some are rational and some irrational etc. Slowly over time our habit forms our "personality" and our personality ultimately creates our "Destiny". So, it all starts with a "thought" in our Mind. As we programme our Mind with the kind of thoughts, we get the result. So, none is responsible for making me Happy or Unhappy, except me as my happiness or unhappiness is never dependent on external stimulant like a person or an event or a material of possession. Once we realize that true nature of our soul is peaceful, happy, loving, knowledgeable and powerful, we will not crib for anything out side since we can generate the right feelings within us through our thoughts.
Like our universe and natural resources on earth that follow natural laws and hence are disciplined and keep on functioning eternally in right sequence and in harmony.If we try to disturb, the result is dreadful. This may be checked any where and any time. Similarly, we suffer when we are indiscipline. We suffer due to our anger, greed, lust, attachment and above all ego. When we expect out of our action from a person or a deed, if it does not happen so, we feel unhappy. This causes sense of insecurity in us , which creates "fear"; so we suffer from those. Once we start living in our self esteem without ego (by loving me as I am), then we would appreciate others as they are. It is absolutely true that we cannot change any one or any incident or event in external world except us and that is through our Mind by working on it ....that process is the Meditation.
This I understood by engaging for some time with Brahmakumaris, whereby I try to know what is my true identity (atma), whence I have originated i.e. parents of soul...supreme soul (paramatma), where we come from ( Paramdham/Shantidham), cycle of Life and present time ( Kal chakra) and the purpose of life...." to express and experience though various human relations" the attributes of the soul, which can only manifest through human body, the chariot. Like electricity needs a fan to rotate, light to illuminate, heater to warm/heat up for its manifestation without being seen physically but can be conceived, similarly the soul needs human costume to function on this earth. Rajyoga meditation is the link or connectivity for experiencing what we have simply known by inner feeling with personal improvement in quality of thoughts, words, behaviour and actions, which are all in harmony under all external situations.
Tags :
Soul, and, supreme, Awakening