Are you the one most fascinated by the new developing trends ?
Do u feel you are trendy ? (OR)
Are you confused about being trendy ?
If so, this post is certainly for you … Read on ……
First , let’s see what fashion is
‘Fashion’ or ‘being fashioned’ can mean different things to different people ..Well , I define fashion to be an assumption of desired form by extraneous fittings or the art of articulating words in such a rhythm, which is liked by people.
Ie, fashion is meant to become more attractive…..
Ie, fashion is nothing but the latest adoption of forms by common man ….
Influence of fashion on people :
We come across many kinds of fashion through television, programmes, advertisements & other different types of media.Fashion becomes popular when it is being exposed by any popular personality .
I still remember the way Aamirkhan used a statue which resembled his 6-pack body (which he built for GHAJINI) to promote a wrist watch.He made the brand name to be written all over the statue’s body.
Moreover there are umpteen centres in India for developing fashion. NIFT (national Institue of fashion technology) is one such prominent centre at the national level.
We often find people change themselves to different kinds of fashion . Fashion has become so temptive now-a-days that, it has also laid it’s mark on students of all categories (right from school going kids to teens).
But such fashion is susceptible to change from time to time. It is believed that most handsome/beautiful people are said be attractive only when they assume a minimum amount of fashion.
Is fashion really necessary ?
Everything which is fashionable cannot always be beautiful and attractive. Sometimes, teenagers in the name of being fashioned spoil their natural beauty.Fashion makes children adamant. This adamancy in them causes great trouble to the family. Through such petty issues children create a lot of disturbance in the family, demanding for attractive costumes. Due to difference of opinion (inview of elegancy) between the older generation & their progeny, their demands doesn’t seem to be appealing for the former.
In my opinion it is not always necessary to be fashionable, inorder to earn name & fame in the society. For instance ‘Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu’ , popularly known as Mother Theresa was heard to wear only a white saree for whole of her life.she serves to be the best epitome of sacrifice till date & is living in the hearts of the masses. This she gained not through her outlook but, through her kindness & the innumerable services she had rendered.
On a finishing note, fashion is bearable only when it adds to the convenience of the people. Anything in required amount cannot be harmful, infact necessary.
One is required to be in fashion in as much as, one is not commented upon, adversely by the society.
Thank you for reading patiently ….