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By: glittergul | Posted: Jun 08, 2013 | Debate time | 590 Views

"Vegetarian vs. Non-Vegetarian" -

This is one of the hottest topics for debate at all times.

Let us look at my example of such a "rational" dialogue:

(say , an imaginary conversation between 2 friends Arun & Varun)

Arun : Why are you so crazy for non-veg food?

Varun : It's way tastier than vegetarian food.

Arun : But it has been proved that vegetarian food is way healthier than non-veg.

Varun : I eat vegetarian too, mine has always been a balanced diet.

Arun : Don't you feel that killing animals is wrong?

Varun : I don't know, I don't kill them on my own.

Arun : But you know that they have a life like you, which ended abruptly because of you, don't you?

Varun : Of course, but that's how humans and all animals were made, the strong eat the weak, we are all part of the food chain, in fact we are at the top.

Arun : Through a food chain, animals maintain a balance in the ecosystem.

All animals live happily until they weaken. They are given their chance.

But what are you doing, you grow animals in gross only to slaughter them, isn't that utterly inhumane? How would it be if the same were done with you?

Varun : Wait a second, even plants are a part of the nature, even they feel pain, even they are being produced on large scale only for consumption, even they have a life, why don't you feel bad when killing them, in that case?

Arun : You know what, plants give away their excess produce in the form of fruits and vegetable for other animals to eat. We don't kill the entire tree.

Varun : Of course you do, haven't you ever seen how vegetables and cereals are grown? And through excessive use of chemicals you are also destroying the nature. Even the produce contains these chemicals and is not as healthy as it used to be.

Arun : But nowadays there have been great advances in organic farming which is 100% eco-friendly. In a few years, everything will be back to normal.

Varun : But what about killing them? It has been proved that plants also feel pain, understand affection, by scientists like Dr. J.C. Bose.

Arun : Oh! That is not pain, plants just secrete protective enzymes when there is any damage to the tissues. They don't have a nervous system like animals to feel pain, the rest of the plant body, leaving the injured part, works normally.

Varun : Accha!! Then look at this: When an animal 'body' is 'damaged' it secretes 'protective' enzymes to clot the blood and prevent infections. 'Signals' are sent to the brain to alert the animal and to take necessary action against the stimulus.

And this is what is called pain. The rest of the 'animal body' works as normally as hell. And so killing animals isn't different from killing plants.

Arun : But animals wriggle and struggle when they're being killed.

Varun : So do plants! Only that the poor beings can't move, they show their sorrow indirectly.

Arun : I don't know, but I don't feel that bad when plants are killed, killing plants is not as 'dramatic' as killing animals- the blood, the squeals- oh God! It's a terrible thought.

Varun : Oh! You don't know how bad it feels when the guardians of life, the messengers to heaven, the bringers of the rain, 'the plants' are being killed. It so terrible to kill them, they don't and can't even try to stop you, they are such gentle and kind beings. They are such an important part of the ecosystem. How can you be so insensitive to such beings?

Arun : You don't talk about ecosystem, you kill animals and they are as essential a part of the ecosystem as plants are.

Varun : But we kill only those animals which were grown to be killed, we don't

support animal poaching.

Arun : So do we, we eat what we produce.

Varun : _______ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Arun : ________ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

And at last here ends the discussion,

So, my friends if we keep reasoning things logically, it all ends in a stalemate.

Just ask yourself what you really want to follow, and eat whatever you feel like eating. You don't need to answer anybody about this.

PS : By the way I'm a vegetarian.

Thank you for reading patiently.


Tags :
vegetarian, non-vegetarian, ecosystem
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