This is from Evan Almighty movie which I recently saw on HBO. A movie with a strong message. We all want to change the world but how we all ponder. The answer lies in Noah’s ARK. If you see a dog hungry perhaps you can feed him, you see a beggar genuinely not able to work perhaps give him food or clothes.
In this fast life we don’t have time to visit old age homes or orphanages but what we have in that too we all can make a difference. Just this morning when I went down for some work I noticed that road digging work is going on right outside my building. It was around 11am the sun was bright and hot. I couldn’t see these people working in this scorching heat. Mentally I started praying to God to provide them with physical strength and more guardian Angels to help them in this task. When suddenly this old man of 55years caught my eyes. He was also toiling hard, fragile body & I could count every bone there. Without my knowledge I had tears already in my eyes. Generally I have lot of affection for old people may be because I am very close to my grandfather. I may not help young beggars with money but if I see any old man my hand automatically find its way to my purse. I started wondering did he ever think he will have to toil like this at this age? What would have been his dream when he was young? Why the resources not provided to him? Just because I am educated I sit in AC office and do my job and get paid well. And this man may be for whatever reasons he couldn’t educate himself he has to toil and get paid rs. 150/- a day. What? That’s it I took a fight with God. Mentally this is the conversation/fight I had with him.
Me:- Why this man has to do this physical work at this age, why can’t he be sitting at home in peace and playing with his grandchildren?
God: - Everyone has chosen a life path for themselves; everyone is doing what they are supposed to do.
Me:- Ok. Everyone has chosen their path, but don’t we all have the right to be happy? Even I have chosen my path of life, however if I feel that having something extra makes me happy I know ways to get them in my life. Like Laws of Attraction, if you want anything all we need to do is Visualize ourselves in that and Universe does responds. Just because I have money to buy books, surf internet on these topics which are breathtaking and enlightening should I alone avail the facilities to be happy? I am sure this man may not know any of the above neither he will believe if I had to tell him, does that justify his life?
God: - All they have to do is ask and they shall receive.
Me:- Oh really I am sure this man must be visiting temples more than I ever did in my entire life. He must be dancing during Ganpati festivals, having puja’s at home which I never did so far, yet I am given the opportunity to be happy. I also know that once we ask something we need to stay positive always no matter what happens and then we receive. There is plenty for everyone that’s the belief we need to hold to attract things we want in life. And then there was no answer.
May be because I reached the shop. I bought some sandwiches and big bottle of chilled Mangola, since I have visitors coming on/off. As I was climbing the stairs ARK came into my mind. All I did was I approached that old man and I handed over to him the Mangola bottle, I saw genuine smile on his face. He thanked me and I said nothing.
And that time God spoke
God:- I help everyone who needs me, I am there with everyone always. When they ask for help I send my angels in the form of humans to help them.
I smiled and thanked God for helping me realize that since we have been given the opportunity and resources we are the ones to help others in need. For the first time I felt deserved to give. It’s only in giving that we receive. I silently thanked God to give me this opportunity. Although we all have heard somewhere that God sends his people to help but it didn’t strike to me till I experienced it. For all those who think , how weird is it that God spoke to Babli ? Well for your information it’s the inner voice that I was talking about. This inner voice guides and teaches us the true sense of life. We all hear this voice but few listen. Continue listening and you will reap the benefits which are beyond any worldly pleasure.
I did my Act of Random Kindness. Have you?