Much has been talked on this topic, written, discussed and forgotten. Yet we there are a whole lot of literate people who feel Divorce is a crime if committed by woman. Come on people why such an attitude for woman? Repercussions of divorce are really ghastly for woman since she can’t find a suitable partner whereas for man he can go about finding any suitable girl for himself. Sometimes I feel do we actually live in democratic country, where everyone has a right to express. Many educated woman don’t take such steps because of our society pressure. As a matter of fact I personally know so many couples who are unhappily married yet they are together for various social/personal reasons eg:- close family friends, family pressure, children etc. Many of them are ok with extra-marital affairs. Wow! Perfect situation being with broadminded people who have limited sight. Isn’t it crazy just because she may never find anyone else better, should stick to someone she can’t relate with? I had a long fight with myself to understand why people think or react in such a way for divorce. The basic thing is that man is a social animal, who always loves to be surrounded by people around. So being lonely is like killing oneself. Many a times I have noticed people take the help of other relation to get over the old one. Why??? Aren’t we independent? Don’t you fight with your parents sometimes saying that oh I am independent and I can take my own decisions, then why not in this case? We have mastered ourselves so much in weakness that taking courageous steps are like fairytale for us. Fact accepted that we all want to feel wanted or loved. Amazing but does that mean that you don’t do what you truly believe in. Have we lost that confidence within ourselves of starting from the scratch? Because of the fear we don’t mind sticking to marriage and not be happy. Which in turn worsens the situation all the more. Isn’t life about being happy in what we do. At the same time we do have some brilliant examples of Women who have stood in what they believe inspite of the society pressure. Where even parents, kids, friends have stood by their side. I salute to women who dreamt and brought changes in their and others life around. And I ask all my sisters to pursue their dream and not succumb to the society pressure. Live and Let Live………………….