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By: babli24dec | Posted: Oct 14, 2008 | General | 722 Views

I am really interested in the Mysterious world. I AM a Seeker on my path for this life. I remember meeting my teacher which according to me was a coincidence, however now I know that it wasn’t. As I was growing up I was more interested in fairytales like any other girl would be. Magical world, Unicorns,Magic, spells, Intuituion all this really fascinated me. Feeling one with them was the most beautiful thing I experienced. Infact many of my experience as I recount talks about miracles. Yes, as a kid whatever I wanted I used to plainly feel that I already had and used to (till date) Thank God for the same. Only few years later I realised that people all over the globe to this. Then came a revealing book of The Secrets, which I was totally shocked to see and read. Then my search for SoulMate begin some years ago. Somewhere during my search on my Purpose for this life I accidentally met my Teacher(Guide), who has been with me for many lifetimes. How did I know? It was while reading Many lives, Many Masters - Brian Weiss. However I did my Past Life Regression with her. Then my curiosity to unveil the curtain and see beyond had started. The more I read and understood the more I wanted to know about. Thus began my Siritual journey. Many a times I lost contacts with her(Teacher) but Destiny had its own plans. They say the moment You are ready and Open You will see things clearly. I somehow learnt Reiki. During my work hours I used to surf net on Occult Science. I wanted to learn everything. I approached my Teacher for some help in Tarot reading since I was facing issues with my relations. I was surprised that same day without a second thought I bought my first deck of Tarot. Still I couldnt focus as this really requires lot of patience which honestly I am trying to build now(of course I Practise tarot professionally). I had lot of question on My Soulmate. Questions like how he/she would be? When will I meet my Soulmate? How will I know that he/she is my Soulmate? I used to literally drive my teacher mad. Then came a great book on Soulmate relation - Brida. Trust me somewhere I felt as if that book was just written for me. Oh my God! all my questions were answered. I started meditating and practising my tarot a lot. Then one day He came along, Yes, My Soulmate. I couln’t believe myself. Totally shocked. He came to my house and caught me unaware. I didnt know how to react. But like my Teacher always says :”whatever is Divine is Simple”. It is our human nature to complicate things. Human conditioning is so strong that it robs us off our Gifts from God of the Universe. Of course as it says once you meet your Soulmate not necessarily you will end up spending life together. It can be even for a minute you would meet but will have a learning of a lifetime. Something will change in You. That is what Soulmates are about. Yes of course once they meet there also comes the free will option. Well it has been an amazing experience on this path. Today while reading this fantastic book on Only Love Is Real by Brian Weiss. I just got this thought what if everyone knows The Secret…..where everyone realizes the souls around in the human figure. Imagine a killer suddenly realises that he had already killed this person in some of his other lifetime, he may change his mind and goes back with a new feeling. This can alter his life.(Of course you might say vice-versa, however I Am choosing to be positive) Till date I have discovered some of the souls, whom I have known from lifetimes. I wonder when I will see more…..Its the most enriching experience when you meet Souls you have known. After all there are no coincidences in life. Its all about the right time and Our willingness to accept. Two things that I have learnt is:- There are no coincidences & there is always a Free Will option. I pray for everyone that even they meet and find the true meaning of Love - Divine Love.

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souls, meet
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