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By: Cattie | Posted: Mar 20, 2012 | General | 897 Views (Updated Mar 20, 2012)

Dis Heat !! Where have the gud old Chilly winters gone ?? Now all I can think of, is when to eat my next Black Currant or Fresh Coconut Ice-Cream, or when to guzzle down a Fanta or Miranda !!

Just returned back from Goa, Cidade de Goa, where I showcased my CDB Project to the Company Mgmt, along with my Team. Gawd !! what a wonderful hotel, dis ‘Cidade de Goa’ is, the ambience, their private beach, the view from ur room, the utterly delicious food. Enjoyed to the T, & came back with 5 kgs On !! Don’t laugh there !! I’m back on my strict ‘one meal a day’ diet. Just can’t afford being a Fat Cat !! hehe!!

Got some breather time today, so took a day’s off, to do my groceries & gardening. And of Course unload all this stuff in my head, into the MS Pool. Then back again tomorrow to the ‘grind’ !! Talking about hard work, our ‘Blue Boys’ are doing quite well there on the cricket grounds. Looks like now its Virat’s turn for fame & honey & money !! hehe!! Poor Yuvraj !!, hardly was his ‘cancer’ diagnosed & almost Immediately, he was removed from the ‘REVITAL TABLETS’ Ads & our Salman Khan was put in. Sheesh !! Mean Corporates !!

Talking about Ads, my Fav Passion, just look wat they’ve done to our sweet little Katrina !! Wat ?? Put her into the ‘SLICE’ bottle, to get the drink sold !! First we used to see them ‘drinking’ it, now, the Ad agencies think its better dat they are inside the Fizz drink bottles !! Now which guy wud not drink ‘Slice’, just to get her mob numb on the cap & go for a date wid her !! ‘Weird Ideas’ !!

Film-Stars are everywhere these days !! So wat do U guys think about the lovey dovey couple, Genelia-Ritesh, getting knotted ?? Genelia, U poor darling !! Cud U not wait for some ‘handsome’ Guy to come along ?? Now look at her Guys, she’s totally clothed !! Dat’s mean yaar !! Even the ‘Bacchan’s’ allowed our darling ‘Ash’, to show some neat hands & legs after she married into the family. Hey Genelia !! we’re missing ur cute pony tail wagging, while U sashay about, in ur cute mini skirts, in those cute Ads with John Abraham.

Teenage Ads are out & Kid’age’ Ads are in, so Move Over Teenagers !! Vodafone has now introduced Kiddie Romance & people are all ga-ga & go-go about the Ads, where the Pug Doggie, brings dat cute little ‘kiddie girlie’ to meet dat cute little ‘kiddo boy’ & how they ‘Blush’ !! Gud Gud !! Nice way to bring in the new Era of Romance for ‘Today’s World’. Hehe !! All U guys, who’ve just got married & going to be married soon, get ready to welcome the new School Kiddos, Romance Era, where you may have to get ready to deal with ur 6th grade son, wanting to go on a date with his new 5th grade GF !! hehe !! Shooo Cute !! Dis is !! Well, I’m not going to criticize any more Ads again, cause people seem to think that “It’s the IN Thing”, so why shud I oppose !!

Ok, letz get on to some ‘Muula’ talk. Recently somewhere in Jan, I think, my maid came in one weekend, blabbering about some Mall Owner’s Godown being raided. I was giving her just half a ear, & casually asked her, wat the police bhayyas found, & when she replied “Corodo Paisa”, I almost chocked on my fruit juice !! Can U believe it Guys, in dat Godown the police raided somewhere in the suburbs of Thane, of this Mall Owner, they found cartons & cartons stacked in piles inside and ‘EACH’ of them were filled with ‘PURE CRISPY CASH’ !!!!!!!

Now why did I not go in for ‘Police’ training & become a Cop ?? Those guys either ‘Get’ money or ‘Find’ money !! And Imagine, if I had to Find that Godown First !! All Dat Money !! Wat wud I do ?? Maybe firstly, I wud just roll over all those stacks & stacks of notes, screaming with delight !! Then I wud buy whatever I wanted to live in Luxury for the rest of my life. Then I wud donate a carton of cash to every Orphanage / Old Age Home. Then I wud throw street parties on Mumbai’s roads, to feed all the poor beggars, Chicken Biryani & Ice-Cream. Then I wud buy ‘KingFisher’ airlines !! Then I wud send all my Friends, 100 grms gold coins each as a present. Then I wud, advertise on all the BEST Buses & Trains “MOUTHSHUT.COM – INDIA'S SUPER COOL SOCIAL WEB-SITE”. Hehe !! So Guys, now U all better ‘Pray’ that Ur Cattie friend does really find a Cash Filled Godown one day !!

Hehe !! Dream On !! And Move On !! Cause the day’s almost over & lets get some nice cushy sleep, dreaming about the Godown with Cashy Cash !!

And letz now have an cold coffee shake & get ready to shake on & finish this March Qtr Corporate Stuff, this exams phase & welcome the ‘Holiday’ season soon.

Bye & TC from

The MS Cat - Cattie

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