hello folks
hw ws ur day?!?
Mine ws decent... had loads of kachra... sookhi plus geeli bhelpuri n sevpuri.
Actually it ws so yum! I shudnt call it kachra ;) :D The final touching of my closet is done n so tom am SHIFTING!! :D pheww... lol
So... what should I write today? It's so cool to come at the end of the day n type in watever I want to... without any planning... without any thinking... just tap-tap-tap :D
And you know what? Such unplanned, unthought things actually bring a lotta happiness i.e. when they turn out to be nice. :)
But ofcourse... there are things which are just a disaster if let gone or left on destiny or time or wateva...
I sometimes do not understand which things should be left on destiny or time or God n which things should be worked upon with a proper-2 planning n execution !!
For instance, I've read at several places that MAJOR things of our lives are pre-decided which we cannot change... like the main outline of our lives...
n then the small-2 things we do in between are all in our hands... they are like soft clay... we can mould our lives the way we want... bt b4 baking it to final... it would be checked by the destin-o-meter... like a check-post...
So these small things we do... makes up our karma... which gets carried fwd [ I donno where ] which [...to make sense...] enables the guards to outline our further destiny...
Anyway... may be I shouldnt yap more on this coz I myself donno why I am doin it and with no knowledge n only guesses n lil read-knowledge...
My whole idea behind telling this was... I enjoy writing like this... without thinking... free-flow... may be are not really outlined by the guards bt... may be... are those tiny-bits I myself m suppose to pick to clear up the lane of life... which if... turns out to be cool in their books will be checked in or ouch! I will be goaled out !!
Huh!! Does anyone know why am talkin like this?!? :O hehe may be cz I can't think of any topic to punch in... n wholla!! this is just free-flowing...
btw does anyone know... mouthshut has word limit ?!? lol I reached it 1 day n so had to edit my 'the's to 'd' 'everyone' to 'evry1' ;) :D
I hv never liked the idea of these short forms... still don't like it much... it somehow leaves things incomplete... BUT... I use it too... so aah!! I shud bite my tongue n nt talk much on it too... :) but ~~ EXCUSE ME ~~ [Like the WWE Chairman Says]... the habit comes from such word limits!! [ ;) ]
Alright... Happy weekend to the Milky Way !!
Do tell me what all you did?!? or what all u plan to do!! :D
love n prayers!!