hello everyone as my maruti 800 needs to minor repair many times I always took it to authorized service station.but at this time when a coolant pipe elbow was rust out it stuck to my house and thus I call to nearby roadside mechanic he says once I described the problem it need 200 RS parts and 100 RS labour but when it comes to house he says whole head need to be removed .iam not in mood to dismantle engine at roadside but my father gave car to repair by him ...now when I took the car he gave me a bill of near 3500 in simple paper my father paid him .but iam not satisfied with the work.......
my advice is that if u wanna repair ur car try to be consult over some mechanic nearby if the work is note minute one then bring the whole parts urself and moreover u also take a estimate from different authorized centres as not same prices were tell by all centres if authorized one have little difference better go for it else u should buy all stuff from parts shop and fitted them out in front of u in loacal roadside shops ..
as this idiots sometimes charges more that authorised service centre not only on labour but also sometimes putting cheap parts or parts that have no mrp and charge u high quality or more than mrp ...